
Campaigning for better pay

London Underground: RMT Pay Claim 2011

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download RMT's pay claim submitted to London Underground. The first section, the text of which is below, is also being submitted by TSSA and Unite. We hope that this united approach from three of LU's unions will improve our prospects of securing an acceptable offer.

1. A substantial pay award in a one-year deal

Power Control Room / Track Access Control Grade Progression - Referendum Result

RMT General Grades Committee decision, 10 February:

That we note the referendum result for Power Control Room is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 4
Number voting “Yes”: 0
Number voting “No”: 4
Spoilt Papers: 0

That we note the referendum result for TAC is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 3
Number voting “Yes”: 1
Number voting “No”: 2
Spoilt Papers: 0

"Another cutting Tory living the high life"

An interesting article from Labour-left newspaper Tribune (16 December 2010) about the Tory GLA member who is calling for TfL/LU employees' staff and nominee passes to be taken away.

Another cutting Tory living the high life
by David Hencke

Another right-wing Conservative councillor who is calling for firefighters and train drivers in London to be sacked is living a six-figure lifestyle on the taxpayer, Tribune can reveal. Last week, we disclosed that Tory London Fire Brigade chairman Brian Coleman was on £128,000 allowances while living in a subsidised charity housing flat.

Now it has emerged that Gareth Bacon, a London Assembly Member and ally of Mr Coleman, is receiving more than £76,000 a year in council allowances for four jobs at the London Assembly, London fire authority and on Conservative controlled Bexley Council. Only his job as chairman of the LFB’s performance management committee is unpaid as he cannot claim the £5,329 a year extra because he is an Assembly member.

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2010: London Overground Rail Operations Ltd

RMT official circular

Following our acceptance of the Company’s pay offer in April 2010, a supplementary offer was tabled by the Company for Station Grades. This has now been considered by the General Grades Committee that has taken the following decision:-

“That we note the report from the Regional Organiser on proposals for a supplementary agreement for Station Assistants and Station Assistant GPRs on LOROL.

Alstom pay and conditions referendum result

The referendum for Alstom Metro Trains Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service has now concluded, the matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken:-

“That we note the result of the referendum ballot as follows Total Votes Cast 73 Number Voting Yes 46 Number Voting No 27 Spoilt 0

Alstom-Metro Tube train maintenance industrial action suspended following significantly improved offer

TRANSPORT UNION RMT has confirmed that industrial action by Alstom-Metro tube maintenance staff over pay and conditions has been suspended following receipt of a significantly improved offer from the company.

RMT will now consult members on the new offer through a referendum ballot with a recommendation to accept.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

“It is a testament to the solidarity and determination of our members that their action has enabled our negotiators to secure this new offer which includes a significant uplift for our lowest paid grades.

Alstom-Metro Tube train maintenance staff to stage second strike over pay

NEARLY 200 Alstom-Metro train-maintenance workers at depots on London Underground’s Jubilee and Northern lines are to strike again next week over pay and conditions in a concerted bid to force the wealthy company to improve its “insulting” sub-inflation pay offer.

RMT members at the two depots will begin their second 24-hour strike at 19:00 on Monday October 4, with further action scheduled for the same time on Wednesday November 3, and Monday November 29.

Support Alstom Workers' Fight Against Real-Terms Pay Cut!

An RMT member at Alstom writes ...

Alstom is a multinational engineering company that was invited to supply and then maintain trains on the London Underground Northern and Jubilee Lines under that last Tory government. They were the first private company in the underground and may be the last one. Conditions in Alstom have declined massively in the past year, with the employer using severe disciplinary methods against staff for increasingly minor offences.

Tube Maintenance Strike Rock Solid

Tube union RMT said this morning that a strike of Alstom tube maintenance staff on the Jubilee and Northern Line's that began at 19.00 last night is rock solid. Pickets have been out in force at all three Alstom tube maintenance depots.

RMT has received reports this morning of disruption and delays to south bound Northern Line services on the northern section of the Edgware branch during rush hour.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: