
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Mind the Pay Gaps!

RMT submitted the following comments to TfL / London Underground's consultation on its pay gap reports and plans.


RMT comments on TfL pay gap action plan (and associated reports)


The pay gap reports show that the persistence (and in some aspects, worsening) of pay disadvantage experienced by women, black, ethnic minority and disabled workers arises from two main areas:

Huge rise of violent crimes against women on public transport

RAIL UNION RMT today slammed the huge rise of violent crimes against women by more than 50 per cent on Britain’s trains as totally unacceptable.

Commenting on the latest British Transport Police statistics for the past two years, RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said that the union had longstanding concerns about the prevalence of violence on the public transport network. 

“RMT’s own research has also found that 40 per cent of women public transport workers have been sexually harassed.

Branch motion leads to important change

Let's talk about motions.

Last year a local representative discovered that period products varied not only in availability but also in price on their group. Train operators were being charged double and in one station five times the amount that station staff were for the same products. Responding to this feedback from members, the rep raised the matter and discussed it at their local branch, Piccadilly & District West.

Webinar: maternity rights for workers

Dear Colleague,


The third webinar we are facilitating with the campaign and advice group Maternity Action is on rights during maternity leave and on return to work.

It will take place on Wednesday 15th December, 12:00-13:30 via zoom.

This webinar is open to all members, although reps are especially encouraged to attend.  To book a place and for any queries about these webinars, please contact Jess Webb j.webb@rmt.org.uk

Webinars in tackling pregnancy and maternity discrimination

Dear Colleague,


I am pleased to inform you that the union will be facilitating three webinars on different aspects of pregnancy and maternity discrimination from the campaign and advice group Maternity Action as follows:

Wednesday 17th November, 12:00-14:00

1)    Tackling pregnancy and maternity discrimination: maternity pay for all workers

Wednesday 1st December, 12:00-14:00

Report: TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, 9 June

TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Trade Union Engagement Forum, 9 June 2021

Report from Janine Booth (RMT)


After a long break, the Forum met on Teams on 9 June 2021. Janine Booth and Glen Hart attended on behalf of RMT. ASLEF, TSSA and Unite were also present, but other TfL unions were not. This forum is separate from the collective bargaining machinery, but more sharing of information between them would be helpful.

RMT women organise

  • This article is taken from RMT Bakerloo News which can be read here.

The death of Sarah Everard and arrest of a serving police officer on suspicion of murder, and the subsequent police repression of the event organised in her memory, has sparked renewed organisation among women members of RMT in London Transport Region.

Safety, Equality, Solidarity!

Safety, Equality, Solidarity! 

The RMT London Transport Region is hosting a panel focusing on women’s health and safety in the workplace, for International Workers Memorial Day.

The event will take place at 5pm on the 28th April. There are more details in the attached flyer.

Please join us, a link to the meeting will be available soon.