
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Regional Council Executive Report March 2013

The London Transport Region's Executive Member has given a report to the London Transport region at the recent Regional Council.

For full details all RMT members are invited to come to the meeting.

Regional Council meetings are held at the Exmouth Arms near Euston Station at 1630 on the last Thursday of the month, except June and December.

Recognition agreement signed
Pay and conditions claim to be drafted

RMT complaints policy
Bob Carnegie
International solidarity conference in Paris

Drop in session to discuss Workplace Harassment and Bullying

LU Engineering branch have organised a drop in session to discuss workplace harassment and bullying.
All RMT members are welcome, please circulate flyer to friends you feel would benefit from the session, but do not display on workplace noticeboards, for fear of management repercussions.

The event will be held upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross Street, London NW1 (near Euston station)

The event will run on Wednesday April 17th, from 12pm til 6pm, please drop in any time you can.

Domestic violence: the facts

From Women's Aid, 2007

Incidence and prevalence of domestic violence: General
• Domestic violence accounts for between 16% and one quarter of all recorded violent crime. (Home Office, 2004; Dodd et al., 2004; BCS, 1998; Dobash and Dobash, 1980)
• One incident is reported to the police every minute. (Stanko, 2000)

Launching RMT's Model Domestic Violence Policy

This is the speech I gave at RMT Women's Conference in launching the union's model Domestic Violence policy:

Today is International Women’s Day. Actually, it’s International Working Women’s Day, set up over 100 years ago by socialist women in the workers’ movement to fight for our rights.

RMT has chosen today to launch our model policy for transport employers about domestic violence.

RMT Launches Model Domestic Violence Policy For UK

On International Women’s Day (8th March), transport union RMT launches a new model domestic violence policy framework for the UK transport industry at the union’s annual women’s conference in Nottingham.

The policy document sets out clear principles for employers to recognise domestic violence as a workplace issue and maps out procedures for reporting, delivering a safe and supportive environment and promoting the policy amongst staff.

United We Stand! Women And The British Trade Union Movement

This course looks at the history of women in Britain organising in workplaces and communities for a
better life. Starting with the early beginnings of women’s self - organisation and continuing to the 21st century, we will consider major themes and whether women’s role in the labour movement has been ‘hidden from history’.

Tutor: Liz Leicester
Date: 6 consecutive Tuesdays beginning 16th April 2013
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Venue: WEA Learning Centre, 96 - 100 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4TP
Fee: £45 or free on proof of income related benefits
Course ID: C2416682

RMT Women's Conference 2013

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I am pleased to inform you that the 2013 National Women’s Conference will take place in Nottingham on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th March 2013. The venue is The Ramada, Nottingham City Centre, 19-21 Wollaton Street, Nottingham NG1 5FW.

Regional Council Meeting Report November 2012

This is a synopsis of the report given by the London Transport Region Executive Member Janine Booth to the London Transport Regional Council Meeting on 29th November 2012.

To get more details please try and attend your branch meeting or regional council - your rep should have more information too. Alternatively this site has lots of information and material for workplaces in the London Region.



Women's Public Speaking Workshop

A one-day Public Speaking Workshop for RMT women will be taking place on Thursday 24th January 2013 in London.

This workshop will focus on developing public speaking, with particular emphasis on speaking out in union meetings, aiming to empower women to have a greater voice in the union. We will look at issues like why women sometimes find it difficult to speak in meetings, what techniques can help with confidence and effectiveness in public speaking and how to deal with challenges and interruptions.