
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Bakerloo News April 2016

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members on the Bakerloo line.  In this edition:

  • As LU’s “new world” dawns... Fight for your future

  • Pay update

  • Hands off our mess rooms!

  • Management must stick to agreements

  • Justice for cleaners

  • RMT Women’s Survey

  • Moving? Tell your union!

  • Solidarity against terror and racism

  • Solidarity with Piccadilly Line drivers!

RMT Upfront March / April 2016 - news for tube drivers

Upfront is the RMT newsletter for drivers on the London Underground.  Please share it online and distribute it at your depot.

In this edition:

  • Night Tube Update: What will it mean for me?
  • Four Day Week Trial
  • RMT Women's Membership and Participation Survey
  • Piccadilly Strike Solid
  • Reporting Incidents
  • Spare Rails
  • New Shoes
  • Workplace Violence
  • Upgrades News
  • Join us at Trains Grades




RMT Women's Membership and Participation Survey

Dear Comrades,

This is my first project as your newly elected Women's officer for the London Transport Region. We would like as many women members as possible to complete the following survey so that we can support more RMT women workers to take ownership and control of their union. With this in mind, please do all you can to share the link amongst your colleagues from all grades, full time, part time, zero hours, everybody!

Thanks very much for your help.

Marie Harrington

Report to RMT Women's Conference 2016: ETF Women's Committee


The European Transport Workers’ Federation, linking transport trade unions across Europe. RMT is one of several UK affiliates.

Its Women’s Committee includes nominees from various countries and sectors. I am a member of the Committee for the term 2013-2017.



Despite having no funding for this campaign, we have been able to take a couple of useful initiatives:

RMT Women: 100 years of fighting for equality

2015 marks 100 years of women’s membership of the RMT.

Through the last 100 years, women working as train drivers, guards, engineers, signallers, station staff and in all roles on the railway have proved that the industry is not a ‘man’s world’. Yet women have continually had to battle against sexism and still remain a minority in the rail industry.

Join us for an evening of socialising, food, drink and discussion on taking the fight forward for the next 100 years.

Tube Warning As Sex Offences Up 35%

RMT slams Mayor for ignoring union warnings as TFL confirms today that sex offences have risen by 35% in a year
General Secretary Mick Cash said.

"RMT warned right from the off that cash led cuts to station staffing would turn London Underground into a criminals paradise and those who ignored those warnings, and in particular Mayor Boris Johnson, should be hanging their heads in shame today, apologising to Londoners and reversing their lethal cuts programme.

RMT Equalities Report - May 2015

In this Newsletter:

  • Fit for the Future = More Inequality
  • Inequality of pay and power
  • Location / Displacements
  • Part - time staff
  • Workforce density
  • Destaffing and lone working
  • Rosters and worklife balance
  • Abolition of seated roles
  • What can we do about it?
  • What about equality issues for passengers?