
Campaigning for better pay

Regional Social & Mass Meeting on 2011 Pay & 2012 Olympics Rewards Claims

Please Find Attached a Leaflet for the Mass Meeting on Pay & Olympic Reward claims and the Regional Social Night at the 12 Pins Public House.

12 Pins Public House,
263 Seven Sisters Road
Finsbury Park

Mass Meeting-1730-1930

From 1930 til late, there will be a Regional Social to celebrate RMT's victory in the Victimisation disputes within our Region. There will be a Buffet & Music and a chance for activists & members to get together and have some fun.

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the revised offer from London Underground. The only difference between this and the previous offer is that it includes a minimum pay rise of 2% for years 2 to 5. Although this is welcome, and addresses one of our grounds for rejecting the previous offer, it does not address our other objections, which are as follows:

• The offer of 5% for this year is still below the February RPI figure of 5.5% and is thus a real-terms pay cut.

RMT Asks Members to Reject Alstom's Below-Inflation Pay Offer

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the latest offer from Alstom Metro Trains:
• year 1: 4% increase on basic pay
• year 2: 4% increase on basic pay
• up to £400 Olympic bonus
• proposals on travel costs and appraisal interviews

We note that this offer does not meet our claim or our members’ aspirations, as it:
• is below RPI for this year
• may well be below RPI for next year
• compares badly to other pay awards in the region

Mass Meeting Poster-London Transport 2011 Pay & 2012 Olympics Rewards claims

London Transport Regional Council will be holding a Mass meeting for all members in our region to discuss and report on the 2011 Pay claims & 2012 Olympics Reward claim for all companies in the London Transport Region.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, 15th September,1730 at:

12 Pins Public House,near Finsbury Park station
263 Seven Sisters Road
Finsbury park

Pay Round Up: London Underground and other London Transport Companies

Several companies where RMT negotiates have agreed pay deals this year and several more have had offers made for 2011. The table below shows the current status of pay claims and pay awards - so you can see where things stand in the company you work for.

If you work for London Underground, you can see how LUL compares with other employers in the TfL area with its below-inflation current offer of 5% for this year and the rates for the next four years in the five-year deal that has been tabled, have a look at the table below.

RMT Rejects London Underground's Latest Below-Inflation Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We reject the latest offer from London Underground on the following grounds:

  • The revised offer of 5% for this year is still below the February RPI figure of 5.5% and is thus a real-terms pay cut. It is important that pay rises keep pace with, or preferably exceed, price rises, and that the same month's RPI figure is used each year in order to track price rises year-on-year.

Latest Offer From London Underground On Pay And Conditions Rejected

London Underground management have tabled an improved offer for the 2011 pay award. Having considered this offer your General Grades Committee has made the following decision that “we reject the latest pay offer from London Underground."

Read the full circular to see the new offer in full and why the RMT General Grades Committee have rejected it.

Royal Wedding Bank Holiday Pay and Leave - London Underground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that TfL granted to London Underground employees a day’s leave in addition to contractual annual leave entitlement, and confirmed that arrangements for the additional public holiday were the same as for other public holidays. We further note that none of our branches have raised any complaints or issues regarding this. We therefore close this file.

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We reject the latest pay offer from London Underground. The fractional increase in the offer for this year is to only 4.75%, which is still significantly below inflation, as the RPI figure for February was 5.5%. Our members are experiencing significant increases in their costs of living, the latest being the outrageous price rises announced by British Gas.