
Campaigning for better pay

RMT Organises Cleaners to Win Better Pay and Conditions

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that Initial is paying the London Living Wage to cleaners, but has not met any other demands in our pay and conditions claims. This leaves these cleaners among the most exploited workers in London, working for disgracefully low pay, and without the sick pay, pensions and other benefits enjoyed by other workers.

RMT Members Accept LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

Total votes cast: 3,339
Number voting Yes: 3,108
Number voting No: 230
Spoilt papers: 1

We note the ovewhelming referendum result from our London Underground members. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to inform the employer of our acceptance of the offer.

LU Pay Referendum To Be Rerun

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that we have decided to re-run the current referendum of members on this year’s pay award. This decision has been taken because a letter from management advising us of a slight amendment to the Years 2 to 4 offer was not reflected in the paperwork sent to members with the voting papers. The change is significant enough to warrant the referendum being re-run as members are not voting with the full proposal at their disposal.

LU Pay Ballot Closing Date - Updated

Voting papers are being despatched today to your home addresses for the referendum on the company’s pay proposals. This offer has been considered by the General Grades Committee and following a consultation meeting with your representatives, we have decided to hold a referendum with a recommendation to accept the offer.

Use your vote in this referendum which closes on 31st October 2011.

Balloting period for LUL pay and conditions 2011

13 th October 2011


Dear Colleagues,


I write to advise LUL members that voting papers are being despatched today to your home addresses for the referendum on the company’s pay proposals. This offer has been considered by the General Grades Committee and following a consultation meeting with your representatives, we have decided to hold a referendum with a recommendation to accept the offer.

I urge all members to use your vote in this referendum which closes on Thursday 27 th October 2011.

London Underground Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2011

FOLLOWING CONSULTATION with local reps, tube union RMT confirmed today that it will be putting the latest tube pay offer to a referendum ballot of members with a recommendation to accept.

The offer is 5% this year backdated to April with RPI plus 0.5% for the following three years with a guarantee of no less than 2% if inflation were to drop significantly.

EDF Powerlink pay latest

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the most recent pay offer from UK Power Networks Services (formerly EDF Energy Powerlink). We do not accept the company’s proposal to base an annual pay rise due to be paid on 1 April on June’s RPI figure, as this institutionalises late payment of our members’ annual pay rise. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this view is communicated to the company.