
Campaigning for better pay

Signals Grade Progression - Dispute Resolved as LU Agree to RMT Demands

That we note that London Underground has agreed to our demands, and that members who achieve the appropriate qualifications will now receive the substantive grade and rate of pay.

We congratulate our branch, representatives and members on their resolve in pursuing this issue through grievances, negotiations and an industrial action ballot to a satisfactory outcome.

We therefore cancel our industrial action ballot.

RMT Rejects Below-Inflation EDF Powerlink Pay Offer

We note that EDF has made an offer to settle the Wages and Supervisory Grades pay claim for 2011 of:

  • Year 1 with effect from 1st April 2011 an increase in basic salaries and associated allowances of 4.5%
  • Years 2 to 5 inclusive with effect from 1st April each year from 2012 to 2015 an increase in basic salaries and associated allowances of the published June RPI figure plus 0.25%
  • The next review date will be the 1st April 2006

Still Battling to Get Uniform Cleaning Vouchers Restored

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from Gerry Duffy, London Underground Employee Relations Director, dated 15 June 2011. We further note that at the Company Council meeting on 14 April, RMT tabled the issue of LU’s withdrawal of uniform cleaning vouchers, and management stated that should we wish to have the vouchers restored, the company would restore them. Following GGC decision G576 of 11 May 2011, we wrote to LU advising that we wish the vouchers to be restored as soon as possible. We are therefore disappointed that Mr Duffy has now written to us, after some delay, advising that rather than restore the vouchers immediately, he intends to convene a meeting of the Uniform Sub-Committee to discuss this matter further.

Pay and Conditions - TfL

Branches will be aware that we are now in the third year of TFL’s three-year pay settlement. We agreed for this year that increase for the ‘Achieved’ rating would be February RPI + 0.5%. The February RPI figure has now been confirmed as 5.5%. Therefore for those who receive the ‘Achieved’ rating, the award is 6% effective as of 1st April 2011, which is payable in July 2011. This applies to members who working in TFL Corporate, Surface Transport and Rail for London Limited who are in Pay bands 1-3, as well as those who TUPED into TFL from other organisations.

RMT Reluctantly Accepts CBS Outdoor Pay Offer

That we note the pay offer from CBS Outdoor and the report from our Regional Organiser.

We accept the Regional Organiser’s view that the pay offer (1.3% backdated to April) is poor, but that we should reluctantly accept it. We note that there has also been some progress on working conditions: negotiations on a new roster pattern, new vans, and better training; and on the MMTA grade which management have now agreed to backdate for all staff qualified or unqualified (through lack of training) for six months.

Pay & Conditions - Tube Lines (former Alstom, Stratford Market Depot)

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the pay offer from Tube Lines for former Alstom staff at Stratford Market depot, and the report from our Regional Organiser. We accept our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that should the employer agree to proposed amendments to the wording of the offer, then it would be acceptable to us.

Alstom: RMT Rejects Below-Inflation Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the latest pay offer from Alstom, of 2.75% for this year and CPI+0.5% for next year, subject to a minimum of 2% and a maximum of just 3%. We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and also note that this is not a final offer.

Accordingly, we reject this offer, as it is below inflation for this year, and is very poor for Year 2, which includes the Olympic Games. The offer is unacceptable to our members.

RMT Rejects 'Average RPI' Figure in Pay Offers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that a number of employers have recently tabled pay offers including an element of applying the average rate of increase of RPI based on the preceding 12 months.

We wish to ensure that our members’ pay rise each year at least matches, and preferably exceeds, the rate at which their costs of living have risen over the previous year. This can be achieved through a pay rise (whether flat-rate or based on a percentage, or a combination of the two) which exceeds an agreed measure of how much costs of living have risen.