
Campaigning for better pay

RMT Secures £2500 Olympics Pay Deal On Docklands Light Railway

Transport union RMT said today that it has secured a ground breaking Olympics pay deal on DLR worth £2500 made up of a guaranteed attendance payment of £900 and guaranteed overtime payments for all staff throughout the Olympics and paralympics period.

The agreement is constructed as follows:

  • £900 attendance bonus, paid at £100 per week over a 9-week period for all staff in every grade.∙
  • Time +¾ for any hour worked on overtime throughout the 9-week period with a guaranteed minimum 5 hours per week, 45 hours over the 9 week period, for all staff in every grade.

RMT Reaches Agreement for £900 Olympic Reward for DLR Staff

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from Serco Docklands, as follows:
• £900 attendance bonus, paid at £100 per week over a 9-week period for all staff in every grade.
• Time +¾ for any hour worked on overtime throughout the 9-week period with a guaranteed minimum 5 hours per week, 45 hours over the 9 week period, for all staff in every grade.
• Any grade that does not have an Olympic impact will be given ‘first refusal’ in areas such as crowd control should they wish to carry out this work.

RMT Considers Tube Lines Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the proposal from Tube Lines to extend the current 3-year pay deal for a further 2 years, increasing wages by RPI+0.5% (minimum 2%) from 1 April 2013 and again from 1 April 2014.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the views of our lead officer, representatives, branches and members about this proposal, and to place this report in front of us by 31 January.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Rejects London Underground's 'Derisory, Inadequate' Olympics Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from London Underground to operational staff of:

  • £100 depending on meeting ’Customer Satisfaction Survey’ targets
  • £15 per shift during the Games only (total of 4 weeks) to reflect changed working patterns. The target includes ‘staff availability’ on an Underground system which has seen dramatic staffing cuts over recent years.

We reject this derisory, inadequate offer on the following grounds:

RMT Secures “Ground Breaking” Olympics Pay And Rewards Deal On London Overground

Rail Union RMT confirmed today that after constructive talks with London Overground Rail Operations Ltd (LOROL) over the last few months, they have secured a ground breaking rewards package for LOROL staff in exchange for some flexibility of work patterns during the Olympics.

The deal, which includes over 500 front line RMT members across the company at all of its locations, will mean enhanced payments for shifts worked during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

RMT Members Accept Alstom Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the referendum/ballot result is as follows:

Total votes cast 56
Number voting ‘Yes’ 49
Number voting ‘No’ 7
Spoilt Papers 0

We note the result of our referendum ballot and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company of our acceptance of the offer.

London Transport Regional Council to be informed.

RMT Recommends Members Accept Alstom Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the latest correspondence on file from the Company in relation to an improved pay and conditions offer, accordingly and in line with the Organiser’s report we instruct the General Secretary to put in place a referendum ballot with a recommendation to accept, with a closure date of November 29th 2011.

Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.

New RMT Uniform Reps to Demand Return of Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground, reneging on its previous agreement to restore uniform cleaning vouchers. We believe that the withdrawal of these vouchers is a cut in real wages to our members.

We do not accept the company’s position, and refute management’s arguments for it. We do not accept that all uniform items can be washed in a normal domestic washing machine, and believe that the tax benefit described by LUL is one which our members should be entitled to anyway.

RMT Accepts UK Power Networks Services Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the referendum result is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 31
Number voting “Yes”: 19
Number voting “No”: 12
Spoilt Papers: 0

We also note that Unite has already accepted this pay offer.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise the company of our acceptance.

London Transport Regional Council and LU Engineering branch to be advised.