
Campaigning for better pay

ISS London Underground Cleaners - Join RMT And Join The Fight For Better Pay

Download and distribute the leaflet attached below. You can join RMT here

ISS Cleaners on the London Underground Join RMT and help the union win decent pay and conditions for you

RMT submitted a claim on behalf of cleaners on the ISS LUL contract, seeking a substantial pay increase, proper financial reward for the Olympics, and improvements in conditions including sick pay, pensions and travel facilities.

ISS boasts about its corporate responsibility, that it offers adequate pay and proper working conditions and respects the right to collective bargaining - yet it expects cleaners already on low pay to take a real-terms pay cut. RMT says that is unacceptable. but rather than talk, the company has resorted to dirty tricks, including putting out lies that the union has accepted some sort of unspecified deal after the Olympics - this is complete nonsense!

RMT Members On Southern Trains Vote To Accept Latest Olympics Deal

RMT members on Southern trains have voted overwhelmingly in a referendum ballot to accept an Olympics recognition and reward deal which will see all staff receiving a basic payment of £300 with an additional £28 per day available for rest day and Sunday working and £50 for additional late night turns.

The total reward package is in line with agreements on other London train operators and ratchets up the pressure for a fair deal on South West Trains, Greater Anglia and First Great Western where RMT is balloting for action.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

RMT Ends Dispute With MJ Quinn Following Olympic Bonus And Pay Increment, Whilst Telent Dispute Suspended For Further Talks

We note the resolutions from our LU Engineering branch, and in line with these, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  • advise MJ Quinn that following its Olympic bonus, pay increment and relaxation of
    leave restriction, we are no longer in dispute with the company on this contract
  • cancel the ballot of our members on this MJ Quinn contract
  • advise our members of this decision
  • keep our ballot of our members on Telent in suspension
  • place in front of us reports on further talks with Telent and reports from our branch as
    to members’ views

Transport Bosses Average £1 Million Pay

Deepest in the trough was National Express boss Ray O’Toole, whose 110 per cent pay hike took him to £1.3 million.

The bosses of the ‘big five’ private transport operators have pocketed an average £1 million each in pay, bagging an aggregate pay rise worth a shade shy of 20 per cent, according to their most recent company accounts, a study by transport union RMT reveals today.

As bus and rail passengers face fares hikes of a minimum of six per cent and service cuts, the news that transport bosses have followed the city trend to give themselves bumper pay packages will be greeted with anger and dismay, the union says.

2011 Alstom Olympic Deal Worth Up To £800

Pay Negotiations 2011 – Alstom Metro Trains – Blue-Collar Group.

Summary of final offer agreed with the to the RMT Trade Union representatives on 26 October 2011.

In response to the pay claim from the trade unions, the Company has extensively listened to our staff and the RMT and this paper sets out the agreed terms
of the offer as follows;

Basic Rates of Pay

Pay, Pensions & Olympic Bonus For Telent MJ Quinn Members At London Underground Discussed With Bosses

No member had received an inflationary based increase despite the fact that the company is in profit

Senior Assistant General Secretary, Mick Cash, and other representatives from this union met with Telent on 12th June 2012 to address your union’s ongoing concerns.

Railway Pension Scheme
Your union would like to reduce the amount that members must pay towards their pensions and have asked the company to assist in this endeavour by putting in a lump sum.

Contract Of Employment –

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I have received reports that agency workers employed by engaged on Grand Central Railways and London Underground’s Bakerloo Line contracts have not been paid for the second month running and have been excluded from the Agency Worker Regulations by, who are using the Swedish derogation contract model to employ our members.

Harmonisation Of Terms And Conditions At Thales

That we note the correspondence on file regarding Harmonisation.

Referring to decision GWW 26th April 2012 (Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 - Thales) where our members are to be balloted for Industrial Action, we instruct the General Secretary to commence an immediate ballot our affected members for strike action and action short of a strike on "Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2012" and "Harmonisation of Terms & Conditions", with a strong recommendation to vote YES on both questions. This ballot is to be undertaken in the minimum amount of time allowed to us by law.

Carlisle Cleaning And Security Workers To Be Balloted For Industrial Action

No worker should be expected to live on an income of less than the London Living Wage

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. While we may be close to securing an acceptable offer on Olympic Reward and Recognition, we are appalled by Carlisle’s refusal to pay our cleaning and security members the London Living Wage. No worker should be expected to live on an income of less than the LLW, an amount calculated to meet only the ‘minimum acceptable quality of life’, currently set at only £8.30 per hour.