
Campaigning for better pay

Solidarity Amongst Tube Lines Members In Industrial Action Leads To Cancellation Of Tube Engineering Works

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I refer to my previous letter of 26th October 2012, as a result the solidarity and determination you have shown in pursuing your claim to have the same pension and travel rights as other LUL workers, I wish to bring to your attention the effect your action is having on planned engineering work this coming week end 3rd and 4th November 2012.

Tube Lines Members To Strike At Beginning Of November Over Pension & Passes Dispute

We note the correspondence giving the views of the strike committee formed by our Tube Lines reps.

In line with this, we instruct our Tube Lines members to take industrial action as follows:

  • Not to book on for any shift starting on or after 06:00 on Thursday 1 November, resuming to shifts starting after 05:59 on Friday 2 November.
  • Not to work overtime at any time between 06:00 on Thursday 1 November and 06:00 on Monday 5 November.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • send a personal letter by post to the members involved

Organisation, Recruitment And Retention: National Strategy For Justice For Cleaners In The Transport Industry

"We welcome the positive response so far to our call for nationally-coordinated industrial action of our current disputes with cleaning companies"

We welcome the positive response so far to our call for nationally-coordinated industrial action of our current disputes with cleaning companies.

We instruct the General Secretary to convene a meeting of GGC members with lead officers and representatives of the current disputes involving cleaners as soon as is practical, to discuss plans for co-ordinated industrial action in line with our previous decisions. A report of this meeting to be placed in front of the GGC promptly after the meeting.

RMT Has Serious Concerns Despite 2012 Pay Rise Offer From TFL Being Slightly Improved

We note the revised pay offer from Transport for London. Although this does contain some improvements on the original offer, RMT representatives continue to have serious concerns, including:

  • the maximum of 5% on next year’s pay rise, which sets a bad precedent and would leave our members facing a pay cut should RPI be higher than this;
  • the additional 0.5% for 2013 being dependant on acceptance of a new Performance- Related Pay scheme
  • that the 75% Rail Reimbursement Scheme continues to be renewed within pay deals rather than made permanent

Carlisle Members On DLR Vote Solidly For Industrial Action


That we note the ballot result for both strikes and action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 10

Number voting “Yes” : 10

Number voting “No” : 0

Spoilt Papers: 0

We congratulate our members on their 100% vote for action. We note that our Docklands Light Railway branch is to meet tomorrow, and that our lead officer is to meet with the employer. Reports of these two meetings are to be placed in front of us within seven days.

'Mayors Questions' Response On London Living Wage For DLR Carlisle Cleaners

London's mayor Boris Johnson answers questions from the London Assembly Members each month at 'Mayor's Questions.' Andrew Dismore - Labour Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden asked the question "Why are cleaners employed by Carlisle, contracted by TfL's franchisee Serco to provide cleaning services on Docklands Light Railway, not paid the London Living Wage?" on october 17th.

The response is as follows:

3026/2012 London Living Wage for TFL Cleaners

Olympic Recognition and Reward At APD To Be Pursued Further And London Underground Administration Grades Reward To Be Reviewed

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd concerning the industrial action by our members in the Power and Electrical Department – APD Stations Group and the response from our representative. We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LUL, explaining that this matter is not resolved to our satisfaction, and to arrange the attendance of the relevant officer at further discussions with the employer.