
Campaigning for better pay

ISS And Initial Cleaner Members To Strike Over New Years

ISS Industrial Action

In accordance with the request of our representatives, we instruct all members on this contract to take strike action by not booking on for any duties starting at or after 05:30 on Monday 31 December 2012 and to return to duties starting at or after 05:30 on Wednesday 2 January 2013.

We instruct the General Secretary to:
• send a personal letter by post to all members involved, explaining this action.
• email our London Underground members, urging their support for this action.

RMT Pursues Issue Of Olympic Payment To Admin Grades

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, which merely tells us the structure of 'rewards' for admin staff, not the level at which they were paid out in recognition of the extra workload during the Olympics.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write again to LUL, asking specifically: what opportunity it gave staff to nominate; how many nominations were received; and how many awards of each category were granted.

Cubic Transportation Pay Offer Agreed

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and having also consulted with our branch, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the company of our acceptance of the company’s final offer before the deadline for payment in time for Christmas.

We further instruct the General Secretary to ensure that a pay claim is submitted in line with union policy for 2013, and to obtain a plan for improving organisation of this workforce from our LU Engineering branch.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and our Cubic representative to be advised.

Cleaners To Lobby Parliament

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Changed to Committee Room 14

REMINDER: National Lobby of Parliament for Cleaners in the Transport Industry

I am writing in relation to national lobby of Parliament for RMT cleaners. The lobby will take place on 11th December 2012, at 15.00 in Committee Room 14 in the House of Commons.

The lobby will be addressed by myself and several MPs and will discuss the issues facing cleaners in the transport industry and how those issues relate to our current disputes.

Video: RMT Cleaner's Strike Rally

The RMT held a rally prior to the industrial action held be cleaners working for ISS and Initial on London Underground and Carlisle on the Docklands Light Railway.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow, Assisant GS Steve Hedley and London Transport Exective Council member Janine Booth spoke at the event along with Richard Crane an RMT cleaner member and members of other unions and political groups.

Richard talked about the struggles faced by cleaners in making ends meet as low pay meant paying bills and looking after family was almost impossible, with many other cleaners he knew working second and even third jobs to make end meets.

Tube Lines Christmas Pay Accepted

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the responses of our LU Fleet and LU Engineering branches.

Accordingly, while noting that the payment has not increased since last year, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that this union accepts the arrangements.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.

London Cleaners To Demonstrate Tomorrow

London Cleaners Demo Outside TFL Windsor House SW1 0TL Friday 30 November 2012 at 12,00 Noon.

London based RMT cleaner and security members will demonstrate outside TFL HQ, Windsor House, 40-52 Victoria Street London SW1H 0TL at 12.00 noon this coming Friday, 30 November, as the union steps up the national campaign for pay justice.

RMT Organises Cleaners Strike Rally In Build Up To Co-ordinated Industrial Action

From General Secretary Bob Crow

As a key element of the strategy to gain justice for all our cleaning members working in the transport industry, the Union has planned co-ordinated industrial action against the employers we are currently in dispute with over pay and conditions, to take place on 30 November/1 December.

I am writing to advise you of an eve of strike rally arranged in London at 7.00 pm on Thursday 29 November at:

ISS, Initial And Carlisle Cleaning & Security Members To Take Industrial Action

Circular from General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise branches that following the recent yes vote in favour of industrial action, the company agreed to a seven day extension to our ballot and further talks took place. However no agreement has been reached, the General Grades Committee has now considered this matter and has taken the following decision: -