
Campaigning for better pay

TfL Pay

Further to our previous decision Gww 12 February 2012, we instruct the General Secretary to pursue replies to our correspondence to the other trade unions and to our own TfL no.1 branch, and to place responses in front of us; and to obtain an up-to-date report on the pursuit of this issue with the employer.

This issue is to be placed in front of us in the event of any developments, and in any case within 14 days.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Continues To Monitor 'Market Testing' At TfL Following Assurances

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd regarding TfL market testing. While this offers some reassurance that this is simply a ‘benchmarking activity’ and that no decision has been made to privatise the functions involved, we are well aware that ‘market testing’ is used to keep down pay, conditions and staffing in the public sector body as much as it is used to prepare for privatisation.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this issue continues to be raised with TfL and developments monitored and placed in front of us.

RMT Appalled By Poor Pay Rise Offered To TfL Members; Following No Olympic Bonus

We note the report from our representatives’ meeting, and are appalled that many of our members have received an RPI-only pay rise for this year while their workmates on both TfL and LUL have received RPI+0.5%. This adds insult to the injury of having received no Olympics payment.

We note that RMT rejected this pay deal but that other trade unions agreed it.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • raise this issue with TfL as a matter of urgency, and escalate it through the machinery as far as is necessary

Tube Lines Strike Suspended

We note the report on file from our lead officer and in line with the unanimous view of our Company
Council representatives, we instruct the General Secretary to suspend the industrial action (strike and
overtime ban) due to start on Friday 15 February.

We note that Tube Lines is to cost our demands for pension and travel equality by the end of March.

Tube Staff Denied Customer Satisfaction Bonus After Olympic Year

We note the responses on file from our admin grade members, who are dissatisfied with LUL’s implementation of its Olympic reward policy. We further note that there is no copy on file of the letter to LUL instructed by our decision of 12 December 2012, and instruct the General Secretary to place in front of us this letter and any reply received.

Tube Lines Pays Increased Christmas Bonus

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines, advising us that members who volunteered to work on Christmas Day and New Year's Day would be paid £333, more than originally intended.

Having consulted with the secretaries of the two branches involved, we note the position.

LT Regional Council, LU Engineering and LU Fleet branches to be advised.

Tube Cleaners To Strike Over New Years

Transport union RMT said today that tube cleaners working for Initial and ISS will strike again over New Year in their fight for fair pay and workplace justice.

RMT cleaner members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

05:30 on Monday 31st December 2012 to 05:29 Wednesday 2nd January 2013.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

Striking Cleaners Set Up Soup Kitchen

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that cleaners working for Churchill’s on the Tyne and Wear Metro, striking for a further 72 hours of strike action from Sunday 23rd December in their battle for pay and workplace justice, will be delivering empty Christmas hampers to members of the transport authority and setting up a soup kitchen in Newcastle city centre to shine a festive light on the issue of poverty pay and the penny pinching of Scrooge contractors Churchill’s.

RMT Secures Inflation Beating Pay Rise For Thousands Of Network Rail Maintenance Staff

Rail union RMT revealed today that it has secured pay increases of 3.5% for thousands of Network Rail maintenance staff, outstripping inflation and proving that fighting trade unionism can drive a coach and horses through government austerity and pay policies.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"This deal is one of the best collective pay settlements anywhere in industry and rams home the point that while we are being told we have to accept pay cuts and freezes RMT is still out there winning inflation beating rises"