
Campaigning for better pay

TFL Revenue Protection Inspectors 2014/15 Pay deal

The new Pay Deal for the RPI’s which was negotiated and voted on by Unite.

There was a 48.57% turnout. 80.88% voted to accept the 2014/2015 pay deal.

Year 1 3% one off payment lump sum, non consolidated. 3% = £1120.32
Reduction in sick pay to 95%.

Year 2 3% consolidated increase plus shift allowance £1,300
If sickness target is met it will return to 100% if it falls it will drop to 90%

Support The July 10th Fightback

A number of unions have called industrial action to take place on Thursday 10th July. Public sector workers are protesting the imposition of a 1% pay rise – which would represent yet another year where their living standards decline (taking into account inflation).

Irrespective of whether the UK economy is in a sound position, the country is already and is predicted to continue registering growth. And workers must take their share – as many are expected to do.

TfL Members To Hold Pay & Pensions Strike On July 10th

Transport for London staff join July 10th strike action in fight over attack on pay and pensions
RMT members at Transport for London will be taking a further 24 hours of joint strike action from this Thursday morning, coinciding with widespread national industrial action in the public sector, in a dispute over an all-out attack on pay and pensions that would condemn to staff to a life of poverty in retirement.

Members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 05.59 hours Thursday 10th July 2014 and 05.58 hours Friday 11th July 2014.

RMT Pledge As Docklands Light Railway Take Over Approaches

RMT pledges to defend jobs and conditions as Keolis take over DLR from SERCO in December

RMT acting general secretary Mick Cash said.

"RMT members on DLR are deeply concerned that we will be facing a major period of upheaval in the run up to December when Keolis take over from Serco.

"RMT will fight to defend the jobs and working conditions of our members on DLR and we are seeking an urgent meeting with Keolis to secure the cast iron assurances that our members are seeking. "

Further TfL Strike In Pensions Dispute

Firstly I wish to thank you for your solid support for your union on the last strike day. Despite this magnificent show of solidarity the company continue to refuse to address our concerns. Their plans for pay freezes and cuts to your pension rights are part of a concerted attack on your terms and conditions. Together with our sister unions Unite and TSSA a further strike day has been called to force management back to the negotiating table and reverse their disgraceful plans which would do the following: -

RMT, Unite & TSSA In Further Joint Strike At TfL

Further to my last letter I regret to advise you that there has been no progress in our discussions with management despite the solid strike action that took place last month. It has therefore been decided by your General Grades Committee, in coordination with our sister unions Unite and TSSA, to call further joint industrial action in our dispute to defend pensionable pay.

All Transport for London members are therefore instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

• 05.59 hours Friday 13th June 2014 and 05.58 hours Saturday 14th June 2014.

Tube Driver's Charter

This is the RMT’s updated version of the charter for London Underground train drivers. It lists our key demands and ‘lines in the sand’ – issues which we see as crucial to achieve or defend for those members working in the grade of train driver. Several of these issues are also essential for other London Underground grades and transport workers in all industries.

The charter had an official launch with Acting General Secretary Mick Cash, Trains Functional Rep Dean O'Hanlon, London Transport Executive member Brian Munro and Executive member Del Marr all speaking at the event.

Balfour Beatty Strike Ballot Over Pay


Balfour Beatty have failed to propose a pay offer which meets our members’ aspirations. Consequently our members are being balloted for strike action and industrial action short of a strike.

Papers have just been despatched and should arrive at members’ homes by the end of this week with a closing date of 1st July 2014. Should members not receive their voting papers by Thursday 19th June 2014, they should contact the helpline on 0800 376 3706 or Head Office on 0207 387 4771 and ask to speak to Industrial Relations.

TFL Strike On As 'Pay for Performance' Threatens Wages & Pensions

Further to my recent circulars our TfL members, in coordination with our TSSA and Unite colleagues will be taking 24 hours of strike action from this Friday morning in a dispute over the all-out attack on pay and pensions.

Members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 0600 hours Friday 9th May 2014 and 0559 hours Saturday 10th May 2014.

RMT, TSSA And Unite To Take Joint TfL Strike Action

We note the correspondence from the Lead Officer and senior reps from TfL No 1 branch informing us that TSSA and Unite have called strike action on this matter on Friday 9th May.

While this union, in the interest of solidarity and unity agrees to call our members out on strike on the same date, we are appalled that these unions did not coincide their action with those of our members on London Underground.