
Campaigning for better pay

LUL Pay Update 3

Today we met LUL for the second time since they made their first and only offer so far in this year's pay negotiations

At today's meeting no new offer was made , but management have agreed to have further talks (to have concluded by the end of next week) at Functional level to ascertain the impact of Night Tube in each of the 7 Grade Functional council areas.IE all staff

Jubilee South Upfront News March 2015

This is the latest edition of 'Jubilee South Train Drivers Newsletter' with news and information for RMT train drivers based at Stratford and North Greenwich.

In this edition:

  • Pay Talks Update – RMT Calls For Substantial Rise
  • Strike Called In McGuigan Dispute
  • Go back To Check M Door Alarms
  • Car Park Changes
  • Sacked For Being Epileptic
  • Night Tube
  • Age Medicals

LUL Pay Talks Continue With No Improvement In Inadequate Offer

Today we went back to meet LUL to further discuss our claim and further expand upon our claim for a decent pay rise for our members in LUL .

After two hours of discussion LUL did not revise their inadequate below inflation offer . And the previous offer remains as I reported yesterday All parties have agreed to return to meet next Thursday 12th .

London Underground Pay talks Update - A 'Laughably Inadequate' Offer

This morning myself and senior RMT Functional council reps attended a special meeting of the LUL company council to deal with this year’s pay claim.

LUL made the first offer of this pay round, we have agreed to go back tomorrow at 1000 to continue the discussion .

The offer is a two year deal.

2015 = 0.5%

In return for and for future operation of NIGHT TUBE a Non consolidated (one off payment) for all COO staff and CPD Operational staff, to be paid at two stages £250 twice = £500 in total.

And that’s it!

Pay talks - update

Today myself and senior RMT ( functional council) reps attended and represented the union at what was the third meeting we've had now since we submitted our claim for a substantial pay rise and improved terms and conditions for all of our members across all areas of employment in London Underground Ltd 2015

The management presented to the meeting a working document. Also they stated that it was their view that Night tube would feature in their thinking around this pay negotiation .However ....despite myself pressing them to ...LUL made no offer .

Bakerloo News - February 2015

Bakerloo News is the regular Newsletter for RMT members in the Bakerloo Branch.

In this edition:

  • 2015 pay talks begin: Fighting for a good deal for all staff
  • Taking action against cuts and closures
  • Drivers vote to strike against unfair sacking
  • Q&A on FftF
  • Justice for cleaners: end agency exploitation!
  • Victory for safety at Elephant
  • Reps report.

RMT London Underground Pay Claim 2015

This year marks the end of our current London Underground pay deal and the beginning of negotiations for the next deal. Here is the pay claim that the RMT has given to tube bosses. In this pay claim the RMT is asking for:

  1. A substantial pay award Dramatic rises in living costs necessitate a substantial, unconditional pay award at the earliest opportunity, in order for our members’ pay to keep pace with both the increasing cost of living and rates of pay in the industry.
  2. A minimum flat rate increase for those on the lowest pay