
Campaigning for better pay

Blog: LUL Believes They Should Pay Top Earners More

The RMT has made a number of proposals to London Underground of alternatives to job cuts and ticket office closures. All of these have been rejected by the company. One issue raised was bosses pay. In 2012/13, TfL paid 328 people more than £100k. RMT calculate that if this was capped at £100k, £15m would be saved per year.

In response to our proposal, London Underground wrote to the RMT to defend the bosses high pay, citing ‘total annual pay, ‘Long-term incentives’ and ‘Total Direct Compensation’ to name a few. TfL told us they believe that their managers are probably not paid enough:

Tube Job Cuts Talks Report Reveals 1800 Job Cut Threat

  • Update as current talks reach conclusion
  • 1800 front line jobs threatened
  • LU is demanding cuts in operational pay rates while suggesting that a salary four times that of the Prime Minister is not enough for a senior manager.
  • Disastrous reforms which nobody besides senior management either need or want

Please print and distribute the newsletter below, from which this text is taken

Unacceptable Pay Offer Could Lead To Balfour Beatty Strike

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

rates of pay & Conditions of service 2014 – Balfour Beatty (Ruislip) (LUL/0001/BBR)

Branches are advised that following talks with the company for Improved Rates of Pay and Conditions for 2014, the company offered an increase of 2.6% which is unacceptable to our representatives.

Train System Tech Members To Be Balloted Over Unacceptable Pay Offer

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

Further to my previous circular IR/729/13 dated 18th December 2013, branches will be aware that following the referendum, members overwhelmingly rejected the 2013 pay offer. Whilst your union welcomed the move from individual contracts to collective bargaining, your union remains of the view that this offer was unacceptable as, for some members; the offer represented a below-inflation pay rise.

RMT Demands Cleaning Services Be Brought Back In House

We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and agree that the union must deal effectively with our members demands and aspirations employed in the cleaner grade. The most effective way for our members concerned to secure decent terms and conditions and social justice in the long term is through industrial trade unionism and rock solid organisation.

Pay For Performance – Defend Your Pensionable Pay – Transport For London


Further to my previous correspondence, I would again like to congratulate you for supporting your union’s call for strike action and action short of a strike in defence of your pension. Your Executive has carefully considered the strong wish of you and your colleagues to carry out industrial action in order to oppose these plans and those expressed by your representatives to fight TfL’s plans. I can now advise you that your General Grades Committee has decided to amend some of the industrial action.

Docklands Light Railway Strike Off

The RMT General Grades Committee has agreed to accept pay offers from Serco Docklands AND Carlisle. As a result all strikes are called off.

We congratulate all members for their resolve in their campaign for a decent pay settlement on Serco, for the London Living Wage on Carlisle and the commitments forced from the company on the other matters involved in this dispute.

RMT Disgust At DLR Carlisle Refusal To Honour Pay Agreement

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the correspondence from our Docklands Light Railway branch. We share their disgust that Carlisle management is openly reneging on its letter to us of 6 August 2013 by refusing to honour its promised timetable for the incremental increase in pay rates to the level of the London Living Wage (LLW), and refusing to award any pay rise to those members who are currently paid the LLW rate or above.

Blog: The Wage Gap

The Evening Standard ran an article today on the top earners at London Underground. Managing Director Mike Brown it states earned £476,00. TfL Commissioner Peter Hendy meanwhile earned £652,000 - 33 times that of one of TfL's lowest wage earners on £20k. If you take into account contracted workers, at the bottom of the wage pile such as cleaners and canteen staff, that difference in wage grows even further.