
Campaigning for better pay

TfL Unions - Working Together On Pay

Unions in TfL are making concerted efforts to schedule pay talks with TfL management, although no dates have yet been confirmed.

Over the last two weeks TfL Unions have held over twenty well-attended workplace meetings on pay across TfL, with more still to take place in the London Transport Museum and Dial-A-Ride. Feedback from members and non-members at these meetings tells us that the key aspects of this year’s pay talks are:

  • A negotiated, consolidated pay rise for all employees
  • Pay comparability across all parts of TfL

RMT Demands Improvements As Sodexo Contract Extended

Sodexo secured 3 year contract extension with TfL with staffing structure changes taking effect on 1st July 2015; before those changes come in place, Sodexo plans:

  • Enter into formal consultation with all staff on 1st May 2015;
  • Between 1st May and 30th June Sodexo will announce, notify and consult with all Affected Staff;

Bakerloo News April 2015

Bakerloo News is for RMT members in the Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • We must strike again to beat cuts
  • Migrant workers welcome here!
  • LU’s second joke pay offer rejected...
  • Victory on in-cab iPad distraction
  • Fixed-term contract CSAs: Know your rights!
  • iPads on stations
  • No radio, no problem? No way! Resist the rule change!

Tube Pay Offer Derisory and Devisive


Further to my previous Circular (IR/332/14, 15th December 2014), members will recall that we included a claim for a 4 day, 32 hour week and equal travel facilities for all London Underground staff in our submission to the Company. A series of meetings have now taken place and the following offer has been made:-

Year One
A 0.75% increase, effective from 1st April 2015.

Year Two
An increase of RPI in 2016

Interserve DLR Members To Be Balloted In pay Dispute


In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. Following discussions with the Company, a report was received from the Lead Officer along with further correspondence from the Branch Secretary, advising that the Company has failed to resolve several issues which have been outstanding for many months.

DLR Strike Ballot Over Poor Pay Offer


In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. Following discussions with the Company, a report was received from the Lead Officer, along with further correspondence from the Branch Secretary, advising that the Company had failed to table an offer in line with our members’ aspirations.

Moving The Goal Posts: Tube Bosses Arbitrary Performance Bonus

Moving the goalposts?

A few years ago LUL introduced a performance bonus for operational staff. It wasn't something the RMT asked for, or were happy about. As a Union we believe that all earnings should be consolidated, i.e. included in the salary so that it is pensionable and goes up with inflation. However, LUL wanted a system that rewarded “good performance” so decided to pay us extra if we met certain targets. Sometimes we met them and sometimes we didn't – but at least it was possible to meet them.

Tube Pay Offer Rejected

Pay negotiations update from RMT Regional Organiser John Leach.

This afternoon I attended talks with RMT senior functional reps and Directors of LUL.

Members will know that the company so far have offered a two year pay deal 2015 ..0.50% and 2016 RPI and two one off payments of £250 for night tube.

At todays meeting the company have marginally revised the offer to:

2015...0.75%(1/4 %increase)
2016 ..RPI

So over the two years the offer has been moved by a mere 0.25%!

Bakerloo News March 2015

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members in the Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • LU’s pay offer is an insult
  • Every Job Matters - Prepare for more action!
  • Toilet humour at the Elephant
  • RMT wins 50 permanent jobs for cleaners
  • The fight against ticket office closures goes on!
  • No member left behind

RMT Launch Fightback Against Interserve As Reps Sacked, Staff Mistreated, And Pay Inadequate


Further to my previous Circular (IR/303/14, 17th November 2014), members will recall that we advised the Company that a dispute situation existed over the mistreatment of staff and abuse of power by supervisors and management, non-payment of wages, and attacks on trade union reps and activists. The RMT Reps then commenced the task of checking and updating member’s details as necessary for a ballot for industrial action.