
Campaigning for better pay

North East Transport Cleaners “rock Solid” In Strike Against Poverty Pay As RMT Steps Up Pressure On Labour-controlled Transport Authority

TRANSPORT UNION RMT said this morning that support from cleaners for a 48 hour strike against poverty pay and the victimisation of a colleague on the Tyne and Wear Metro, which started last night, is rock solid with pickets and protesters out in force at key points.

RMT Is Fighting For Better Pay And Conditions For Cubic Staff

RMT demands a decent living wage for Cubic staff

RMT has been negotiating with Cubic Transportation for decent pay and conditions, including an Olympic bonus.

We are demanding: PAY EQUALITY, with a decent rate of pay for all staff and an end to individual pay rates – people doing the same job deserve the same pay; a substantial OLYMPIC BONUS for all staff; FREE TRANSPORT on London Underground, and a SHORTER WORKING WEEK for all staff to work the same hours with no loss of pay.

TUC Mass Demonstration – 20th October

The TUC is organising a mass demonstration in London under the banner of “A future that works” on October 20th this year. RMT will be participating fully in this mobilization, as part of our wider strategy of opposing the cuts.

It is essential that the RMT contingent is as large as possible in order to demonstrate the seriousness of our opposition to Government plans to slash jobs, pay, terms and conditions, employment rights, and pensions alongside the services we all use.

Blog: Raise Minimum Wage For Young People Under 21

In its recent budget, the government raised the minimum wage for over 21 year olds in line with inflation, but froze the minimum wage for under 21 year olds. The minimum wage is currently at £6.19 an hour for people aged over 21, compared to £4.98 for under 21 year olds.

There is no evidence to support the government’s argument that this will help to get young people into work. Instead, this unjust measure will only serve to widen the increasing intergenerational inequality that we are seeing in Britain, and force hundreds of thousands of young people further into poverty.

CBS Outdoor Members To Be Balloted For Strike Action Following Derisory Pay Offer

That we note the offer from CBS Outdoor of a 1.5% pay rise and a £500 Olympics bonus.

We support our Regional Organiser’s view that this offer is derisory and comes nowhere near meeting our aspirations. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • Immediately conduct a ballot of all our CBS Outdoor members for strike action andaction short of strike

Tube Cleaners Balloted For Strike Action

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to begin balloting tube cleaners working for ISS and Initial for both strike action and action short of a strike in disputes over pay, pensions and benefits.

RMT is demanding that the cleaners, who do some of the dirtiest jobs often in appalling conditions to keep the tube running, should receive in return:

  • A substantial, above inflation Pay Increase
  • A substantial Olympic Bonus, in line with the payments offered to LOROL staff
  • A Sick Pay Scheme
  • Free Travel Passes for All
  • Improvements to the Pension Scheme

TfL Pay For 2012

The current TfL pay deal ends this April. TfL bosses are yet to respond to RMT's claim for the ongoing year.

The general grades committee has decided the following:

We note with disappointment that despite the current pay settlement for TfL staff expiring on 1 April and RMT having submitted a new claim, TfL management have not yet convened talks to discuss a new pay deal.

We instruct the General Secretary to contact TfL and insist that these talks begin as a matter of urgency. It is not acceptable for the date a pay settlement is due to pass without talks having even started.