
Campaigning for better pay

Signals Grade Progression: RMT Responds to LU

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground.

It is disingenuous of LU to complain that this union has not used the ‘agreed machinery’ when during the period referred to there was no agreed machinery due to LUL’s withdrawal from it. Despite this, our reps have tried to maintain good industrial relations.

Furthermore, despite LUL’s claims, there are no agreed minutes available yet and our representatives have been requesting a director level meeting to discuss this matter.

Referendum accept Track Access Control grade progression offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the referendum/ballot result is as follows:-

Total votes cast...................10
Number voting “Yes”............9
Number voting “No”..............1
Spoilt Papers.........................0

We congratulate our members for taking a firm stance and achieving a far better deal than was originally offered.

Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company of our acceptance of the improved offer.

Further a personal letter to be sent to all members involved.

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the revised offer from London Underground. Whilst it shows a slight improvement, this offer is still below inflation, does not adequately address our claims for improved conditions, and remains a five-year offer. It therefore falls well short of settlements we have achieved on some other companies, and of our claim for a one-year deal of a substantial increase in pay and improved conditions. We also note that London Underground has confirmed that this is not its final offer.

London Underground Pay-Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by East Ham branch was carried at the Regional Council meeting on May 26th.

This Regional Council already has policy that RMT should name a figure that the union aspires to achieve for this year’s pay award. We now resolve that this figure should be 6.5% (ie. February RPI+1%) or £2,500 whichever is higher. We feel that this would give greater benefit to the low paid grades whilst still being reasonable for the higher paid Grades.

LUL Latest Pay Offer

Here is the latest LUL pay offer, it is not a final offer.

  1. Year 1: 4.5%, (which is an improvement of 0.5%)
  2. Years 2 to 5: Feb RPI + 0.25%: This has now been improved with a guarantee that LU will not take into account negative RPI, assuming such a scenario.
  3. As before we will also discuss the question of statutory holiday working arrangements;
  4. In addition, we are now offering to re-examine our current flexible working arrangements, which would include an examination of the question of career breaks for train operators.

    I will keep you advised of all further developments - Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser, London Transport Region

RMT and TSSA Negotiate Ground-Breaking Olympics Pay Deal For Network Rail Staff

Rail union RMT confirmed today that, having pursued a claim with sister union TSSA, they have secured a ground-breaking pay and rewards package offer aimed at taking Network Rail staff through the Olympics:

  • £500 additional money for working through the Olympics period
  • More than 10% pay increase on the basic over the next two years - 5.2% this year and RPI plus .5% in 2012.
  • Agreement of a disputes procedure throughout the Olympics period that means no union member can be dismissed and which recognises the continuing right to withdraw labour.

Power Control Room / TAC Grade Progression: Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser.

We accept the company’s offer on grade progression for the Power Control Room, and congratulate our rep and our members for taking a firm stance and achieving a far better deal than was originally offered.

We note that our outstanding concerns regarding the TAC office have now been addressed. We instruct the General Secretary to conduct a referendum of our members in the TAC office, with a recommendation to accept the company’s offer on grade progression.

London Calling Newsletter - April 2011

Click on the attachment below to download the April edition of London Calling.

In this edition:

STOP VICTIMISING OUR REPS - why drivers across the combine voted 'YES' to strike action for the reinstatement of Arwyn Thomas and Eamonn Lynch;

LU REWARDS STAFF WITH PAY CUT - 'Metro of the Year' rewards its staff with more work and a pay cut;

LU STALLS ON JOB CUT REVIEWS - how LU management are sticking two fingers up to the job cut review process.

Regional Organiser's April Report

RMT rejects London Underground pay offer

This year we put in a joint pay claim with Unite and Tssa (aslef were asked to join us but declined.) RMT, TSSA and Unite are meeting on Thursday 28th April to discuss our next joint positions (once again
Aslef were invited but declined.) RMT formally rejected London Underground's pay offer which was a five year deal. A 4 percent pay deal this year when inflation is 5.5 percent and inflation plus 0.25 percent for the next four years. We will be seeking more talks on pay and I will keep you informed of all progress made.

RMT Rejects Five Year Tube Pay Offer and Launches Campaign For a Substantial Increase

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has rejected a proposed five year pay offer from TFL and is launching a campaign for a substantial, above-inflation one year deal that reflects the additional workload placed on staff as a result of the repeated breakdown in services, a large increase in passenger numbers and the knock on effect from a programme of staff reductions.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: