
Campaigning for better pay

Non-payment of London Underground Pay Rise

Today is London Underground pay day, and staff have been shocked to discover that their pay does include the 4.2% rise that should have applied from 1 April. After a long-running dispute last year, the pay deal was agreed in December, so London Underground has had plenty of time to arrange for the year 2 rise to be paid on time.

RMT suggests that staff may wish to submit a grievance, and recommends the following wording ...

Grievance to Employing Manager

RMT Currently Reject Grade Progression For Duty Managers !

Click '2 attachments' / file names to download this leaflet and the 'heads of agreement' on the issue that it refers to. Read the text below.

The RMT have today (03 Feb 2010) rejected the draft proposal of the Duty Manager Grade Progression.

We cannot accept that some of our members will have their pay frozen with example of how this would work based on a 3% (hopefully more) cost of living increase below. Year 1: £45,000 frozen + 3% = £1,350 paid in lump sum Year 2: £45,000 frozen + 3% cost of living rise = £1,350 paid in lump sum

Lobby the TfL Board

Assemble outside City Hall, 110 The Queens Walk, Southwark, London SE1 2AA (nearest station London Bridge)

Our TfL members are still faced with

  • a three year pay deal linked to an unpredictable RPI figure
  • unprecedented job cuts
  • bullying of reps & activists
  • unfair treatment of members in disciplinaries & medical redeployment/termination hearings

RMT members there have had two days of strike action & have been in dispute for some ten months now.

Stratford Market Depot Dispute Update

circular logoThis is an official RMT circular - IR/32/10 dated 26th of January 2010, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

You would have heard that agreement was reached with Alstom late on 26th January which enabled the Union to call off all industrial action as previously advised. Members have been asked to now work normally.

We now have a sound pay structure that brings significant improvements in pay with immediate effect.

Alstom Train Maintenance Workers At Stratford Market Depot To Take Strike Action Following 100% Yes Vote

Strike action has been cancelled. Update here

circular logoAlstom members at Stratford Market Depot voted one hundred per cent in favour of both strike action and action short of a strike in order to attain pay harmonisation with Alstom emplyeees at other locations on LU.

The first 24 Hour Strike will now take place between 19.29 Hours on Wednesday 27th January and 19.28 hours on Thursday 28th January 2010. Until further notice strike action will continue from Sunday evening until Monday morning.

Read the full story to see the official RMT circular

Inflation Rates circular, January 2010

The December rates of RPI and CPI were published by the Office for National Statistics on the 19th January 2010. The next publication date is the 16th February 2010.

December 2009 retail prices index rate is 2.4%.This is up from 0.3% in November. The last time there was an increase in the annual inflation rate greater than 2.1 per cent was between June and July 1979, when the rate increased from 11.4 per cent to 15.6 per cent.

This record increase is due to a number of exceptional events that took place in December 2008:

London Overground staff: Have Your Say on Pay

Concerning the next pay deal … As you are aware, negotiations are due to start in the new year. RMT would like to hear your views and ideas on the pay deal, so please let your local rep know your feelings about what the final outcome should be.

For example, do you want a one-year deal, or two? On stations, would you be willing to work until later times for a bigger pay rise?

We think your views count.

LUL Pay & Conditions 2009 - Deal Accepted

(Updated with Ballot Results)

RMT General Grades Committee have decided to accept the LUL pay offer.

General Secretary, Bob Crow says "After giving careful consideration to the situation, the General Grades Committee has decided to accept the most recent offer in respect of the 2009 and 2010 pay increases and the associated improvements to conditions of service. This was a 1.5% increase from 1 April 2009 for one year and RPI + 0.5% or 0.5% whichever is the greater for year two."