
Campaigning for better pay

RMT Pay Claim for Medical Redeployment

As part of the RMT pay claim this year it was proposed that medical redeployment would mean that any member of staff who was for medical reasons unable to do their current job would be given at least one other job offer. Management have agreed to discuss this with us. The same proposals were forwarded by other unions. The only union that did not submit medical redeployment as part of their pay claim was ASLEF.

Drivers' Pay Awards

posterBelow is a list of 2009 pay awards for train drivers. This information certainly puts LUL's measly 1.5% - and even worse, 0.5% next year - into perspective!

A notice giving this information is attached - please download and circulate to all drivers.

  • Arriva Cross Country: 3.5%
  • Arriva Trains Wales: 4.75%
  • Chiltern Railways: 3.5%
  • DRS: 3.5%
  • DB Schenker: 4.06%
  • East Midlands Trains: 3.5%
  • Gatwick Express: 3.3%
  • GB Railfreight: 3.27%

What Pay Rises Are Other Workers Getting?

Our employers would have us believe that all other workers are having their pay cut or frozen, and so LUL and TfL's1.5% offer is generous by comparison. But have a look at these ...

  • Novartis Animal Health: 4.5% (effective 1 March 2009)
  • Grand Central: 4.08% (effective 1 April 2009)
  • Wyeth Pharmaceuticals: 4% (effective 1 January 2009)
  • Standard Life: 3.9% (effective 1 April 2009)
  • Scottish Water: 3.75% (effective 1 July 2009)
  • Department of Work and Pensions: average 3.6% (effective 1 July 2009)

Latest Inflation Figures Underline RMT's Case for a Better Pay Rise

As of July 2009, annual price inflation rates of particular products:

  • food: 5.6%
  • fuel and light: 9.6%
  • gas: 24%
  • coal and solid fuels: 21.9%

[government inflation figures]

In the year to June 2009, the prices of many essentials rose at a far higher rate than RPI inflation:

  • Coal & solid fuels up 21.9%
  • Fuel and light up 9.6%
  • Gas up 24.0%
  • Electricity up 6.8%
  • Water and other charges up 4.7%
  • Fares and other travel costs 5.5%
  • Bus and coach fares 7.3%
  • Other travel costs 4.8%
  • Food up 5.3%, with
    • tea up 10.3%

Resolution: Mayor Johnson and 'Chicken Feed'

This resolution, submitted by Jubilee South and East London Line branch, was passed at the August Regional Council meeting.

This Branch/Regional Council is appalled, but not surprised, by the recent comments made by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, that his payment of £250k, for writing a Sunday newspaper column, was nothing more than ‘chicken feed’.

We feel this is a disgrace, considering the Mayor’s actions in intervening in the current LUL pay dispute, and also the failure to pay cleaners the London living wage.

Facts about Pay and Inflation

If you want to keep up with the latest statistics on pay settlements, inflation and other employment-related facts, you could try looking at the IDS website.

One fact it will tell you is that median pay settlements are currently running at 2% - a full 0.5% higher than LUL and TfL's current offers. ['Median' is one type of average, found by arranging the values in order and then selecting the one in the middle.]

RMT Reaction to Mayor Boris Johnson's Comments that a Quarter of a Million Pounds a Year From His Second Job is "Chickenfeed"

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said:

“Transport workers in London will look at Boris Johnson’s claim that £250,000 a year for moonlighting in a second job is “chickenfeed” and wonder just what planet he’s living on.

“Our members working as cleaners on London Underground, who have been denied the London Living Wage that was promised them by Boris Johnson, will be especially angry when they are out there doing dirty jobs for little more than six pounds an hour.

Boris Johnson: Quarter-Million Pay is "Chicken Feed"

This link shows Boris Johnson describe his quarter of a million payment for a second job as a journalist as “chicken feed”.

It makes me wonder not only about our Mayor's judgement but also his hypocrisy in opposing the RMT pay claim. Why is it that millionaires so strongly oppose people on just over twenty thousand per annum getting a pay rise that keeps up with the real rate of inflation?!