Campaigning for better pay
Pay: Recent Settlements
Submitted by Admin on 5 July, 2009 - 17:05Here are some recent pay settlements, which may help put London Underground's and TfL's current offers in perspective:
- HBOS: 4.25%
- Lloyds TSB: 4%, second year of 3-year deal
- Phoenix Healthcare Distribution: 3.65%
- BAE Regional Aircraft: 3%
- BVT Surface Fleet: 3%
- Stagecoach South West: 3.2 - 4.5%
- Stagecoach South West Weillington depot: 4%
- Maersk Offshore Deep Sea Ratings: 3%
- Hitachi: 4.2% from 1 January 2009, plus 3% from 1 April 2009
- Wabtec: 3.5%
- Unipart Crewe: 2.5%
Revised Pay Offer
Submitted by Admin on 1 July, 2009 - 23:00London Underground has today tabled a revised pay offer:
- Year 1: 1.5%
- Year 2: RPI+0.5%
Latest Inflation Figures Expose Pay Offer as Pay Cut
Submitted by Admin on 27 June, 2009 - 07:24The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (attached) prove once again that LUL/TfL's pay offers lag well behind rising prices - in other words will cut your pay in real terms.
In the year to May, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 2.2%. The Retail Price index - acknowledged as seriously underestimating real inflation - stood at -1.1%. RPIX (RPI, excluding mortgage interest payments) was +1.6%.
Here are some price rises for particular areas of your spending:
Joint Unions leaflet: Pay Talks Begin at TfL
Submitted by Admin on 26 June, 2009 - 18:00Click '1 attachment' / file name to download this important leaflet.
The attached leaflet has been jointly issued by RMT and other TfL unions PCS, Prospect, TSSA, Unison and Unite.
It explains why the unions have unanimously agreed to reject TfL's pay offer.
Update: Dispute Talks
Submitted by Admin on 25 June, 2009 - 15:44RMT representatives again attended talks aimed at resolving our 'jobs, pay and justice' dispute at ACAS on Wednesday 24 June.
Most of the day's discussion centred around management's difficulty with accepting that the settlement of the 2001 dispute (the so-called 'Jobs for Life' deal) means what it actually says! The agreement clearly states that:
- "no compulsory redundancies will take place"; and that
- "This agreement applies to all staff employed by LUL, the Infracos and their subsidiaries. "
RMT Demands a Living Wage for Tube Cleaners
Submitted by Admin on 23 June, 2009 - 09:13On Wednesday 17 June, RMT protested outside Mayor's Question Time against Tube cleaners' poverty pay. Protesters demanded that Mayor Boris Johnson keep his promise that everyone working for the GLA or in its areas of responsibility would receive the London Living Wage, recently uprated to £7.60 an hour.
TfL and LUL Senior Managers' Pay
Submitted by Admin on 19 June, 2009 - 19:19We have learnt that TfL’s annual report, due to be published next week, will confirm that the number of senior managers earning over £100,000 a year has gone up from 123 to 163 in the past year, an increase of nearly one third. If you include Metronet and Crossrail, which is now part of TfL, the number of managers earning six figures plus goes up to 231. These figures don’t even include the huge sums that are being paid out to management consultants.
Tube workers take protests to Boris Johnson at City Hall over broken promises on cleaners' living wage and snow day pay
Submitted by Admin on 16 June, 2009 - 13:55RMT tube workers will be taking a protest to Mayor Boris Johnson’s question time this Wednesday – 17th June – over his broken promises on the London Living Wage for some tube cleaners and over the docking of pay for staff who could not get into work on the snow day in February.
London Underground Replies on Snow Day Pay
Submitted by Admin on 8 June, 2009 - 12:54Here is London Underground's reply to the letter that your Regional Organiser sent to him objecting to the company deducting staff's pay or leave on the day of heavy snow ...
Impact of Adverse Weather on 2 February 2009
I am writing in response to continuing demands for further discussion of LU's approach at a recent Stations Functional Council meeting.