
Campaigning for better pay

Protest: Where's Our Snow Day Pay?

What they say ... Boris: I won't dock pay of snowed-in Tube staff after all... Mayor Boris Johnson today backtracked on a decision not to pay Tube staff who failed to turn up for work because of the snow. ... A spokesman for Mr Johnson said ... "The Mayor has absolutely no intention of penalising anyone who failed to get to work due to last week's exceptional weather." Evening Standard, 9 February

What they do ... Dock London Underground workers' pay or leave.

Join our protest outside Mayor's Question Time at City Hall (nearest station: London Bridge).

Hypocrites Or What?

Here is a list of what LUL and TfL pay their managers. That is the same LUL that offers its staff just 1% this year and RPI+0.5% for the next 4 years, and the same TfL that has not yet even tabled an offer.

Hypocrites? Judge for yourself ...

Other Workers Are Getting Pay Rises

Management would have us believe that all other workers are accepting pay freezes or 'moderate' (tiny) rises. Well, have a look at this list (one-year deals unless otherwise stated):

  • Merseyrail drivers: 4.55%, first year of 2-year deal, effective from 30 January 09
  • Trico Marine: 7.5%, effective from 1 January 09
  • UK Coal: 5%, first year of 3-year deal, effective from 1 January 09
  • House of Commons staff: 4.5% consolidated increases, including progression costs, first year of 3-year deal, effective from 1 April 08

Wage Concern Campaign


On Friday 15th May, the Employment Opportunities Bill will be debated in Parliament. The Bill has been put forward by Conservative backbenchers and it would enable employers to ‘opt-out’ of the Minimum Wage brought in by the Labour government ten years ago.

If passed, the system would be wide open to abuse by unscrupulous employers. For instance an employment agency could write a Minimum Wage Opt-Out into any contract potential staff would have to sign.

Unbelievably, they tried to claim it was against people’s ‘Human Right to work’ to have a Minimum Wage.

Resolution: Revised Pay Offer

This resolution, submitted by Neasden branch and seconded by LU Engineering branch, was passed unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on 30 April 2009.

The Regional Council notes that LUL have now increased their 5-year pay offer to include increases of RPI plus 0.5% in years 2-5.

This offer remains entirely unacceptable in terms of both pay and the continued TfL redundancy process and withdrawal from no redundancy agreements that previously applied to all members.

Update on Pay Talks

The RMT delegation of Olly New, Janine Booth and myself (Steve Hedley) met with London Underground management yesterday to discuss pay. Management marginally improved their offer .The new offer is one percent this year and rpi plus 0.5 percent for the next four years.

Not only is management's offer a pay cut in real terms this year with inflation as outlined by C.P.I. at 3.2 percent (February) but the proposed deal would of course take us over the period of the Olympics where Australian rail workers secured a very good pay deal when the games were held in Sydney.

Inflation Figures for March - more evidence that LUL is cutting your pay

The inflation figures for March can be found here.

Management will undoubtedly point out the fact that RPI is now -0.4% and suggest that this means that prices are falling. However, CPI - which much more accurately reflects our real cost of living - is at +2.9%. So demands on our income are still rising significantly, but LUL still offers us just 1%, and that is tied to a five-year deal with RPI only for the next four years. The latest statistics do not justify LUL's offer: they simply confirm that it is a year-on-year real-terms pay cut.

Major Pay Victory on London Overground

RMT press release, issued today ...

Workers on London Overground are to receive a 20% average increase in wages after the successful conclusion of negotiations with the RMT.

RMT members had given their negotiators a massive 10-1 mandate for strike action in the run up to the talks which was a clear reflection of their anger over feeling unrewarded and undervalued for many years.

LUL Pay Talks Report: No Movement From Management

Yesterday (2 April), RMT and other unions' representatives met with London Underground to discuss your pay. Your representatives at the meeting were Oliver New (Council of Executives), Steve Hedley (Regional Organiser) and Janine Booth (Stations & Revenue Council / Regional Council Secretary).

A full report will follow. In summary:

  • LUL did not revise their offer at all.
  • With February's RPI at 0%, LUL's offer is 1% this year, followed by RPI only for the next four years.
  • All the unions rejected this.
  • RMT and TSSA insisted on a one-year deal only.