
Campaigning for better pay

London Underground industrial action ballot: Vote YES and YES!

RMT is sending members on London Underground (including Metronet) a ballot paper for industrial action to achieve a better pay deal. Your union urges you to vote YES to strikes and YES to action short of strikes.

Voting YES to both will enable the union to use a variety of tactics - such as overtime bans or work-to-rule as well as strikes - to win a better deal than the pay-cutting ‘offer’ from management.

Latest Inflation Figures Underline Case for Action on Pay

Inflation is rising again, and the latest figures show:

  • an all-time record increase in the price of second-hand cars (annual rate of increase 13.2%!)
  • furniture and household goods up 3.3%
  • communication up 2.6%, mainly due to landline phone bills increasing
  • food and non-alcoholic drink up 2.2%, with significant increases in the prices of meat, bread, cereals and vegetables.

RMT Begins Ballot In Four Separate TfL Disputes

Today RMT began balloting four separate groups of members for industrial action in four separate localised trade disputes:

  • EDF Energy Powerlink
  • LU Hammersmith and City Depot Drivers
  • Straford Market Depot - Alstom Metro Trains
  • LUL Willesden Green Group

RMT has also today served notice on London Underground for a ballot of staff over pay and conditions with the ballot closing on Monday 21st December.

Update on pay “talks”

Regional Organiser Steve Hedley writes ...

After a mammoth ten hour session at ACAS on Tuesday night, management left the building without as much as putting an offer on the table concerning pay or even medical redeployment. So non train drivers are to be discriminated against if LUL get their way; even Aslef members who are not drivers will suffer.

Of course we want everyone including drivers to have better medical redeployment, but LUL walked away promising only to hold a further meeting next Tuesday.

LUL resort to ancient tactic: Divide and Rule.

When RMT put in our pay claim back in November 2008 we submitted it in good faith. We expected management to negotiate improved pay and conditions in a reasonable and professional manner.

Think about it: London Underground staff were breaking records on mileage, customer satisfaction surveys and our bosses were enjoying receiving the plaudits. When was the last On The Move sent to your house that didn’t have some top manager on a junket with a trophy for “Best European railway,” “Best Customer Service”, etc, etc.

2009-2010 Pay Deal for Staff at London United

The new 2009 - 2010 pay deal was accepted by drivers at London United on the recommendation of a sister union. The vote was 523 in favour and 234 against.The hourly rates are as follows:

  • Monday - Friday (0700-2000hrs)

Established Drivers (ED) pay goes up by 46 pence from £11.54 to £12.00

Probationary Drivers (PD) pay goes up 24p from £10.38 to £10.62

  • Monday - Friday (2001-0659hrs)

ED pay goes up 24p from £11.79 to £12.03

PD pay goes up 24p from £10.38 to £10.62

The Neasden Flyer - November 2009

Please Find Attached, the Current issue of The Neasden Flyer

Inside this issue...

Willesden Green Group Ballot for Strike Action

Defending Jobs & Agreements Train Operators Detraining instead of CSAs

Straford Market Depot Ballot for Strike Action


LUL Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service Dispute

circular logo
This is RMT's Official circular regarding LUL - IR/334/09 dated 10th of November 2009, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

You will be aware that, following consultation with our representatives, RMT previously decided not to accept LUL’s pay offer and to commence a re-ballot of its LUL Membership for industrial action. I can confirm that our stand prompted Management to arrange a meeting yesterday with all the unions at ACAS.

Talking About Pay at ACAS

Olly Brian and Paul at ACASRMT and London Underground are discussing pay at ACAS today.

RMT hopes that London Underground management take this opportunity to increase their insulting-low pay offer. Your union will ballot members for strike action should LUL's pay offer not give you a decent rise.

Check back to this website for news of what happens at the talks.

CMS Operational Managers' Review update

Joint statement from RMT, ASLEF, BTOG, TSSA reps - read the text below; click '1 attachment' / file name to download.

As you are all aware, CMS was introduced for Duty Managers in September this year and will eventually replace your blue licence, at the minute it validates it. CMS will assess you continuously throughout the year to ensure you are competent to do your job.

However at the last MATS meeting where we were given a presentation of CMS we discovered that management had put, the grade progression model for Duty Managers in the CMS booklet.