Latest Inflation Figures Underline RMT's Case for a Better Pay Rise
As of July 2009, annual price inflation rates of particular products:
- food: 5.6%
- fuel and light: 9.6%
- gas: 24%
- coal and solid fuels: 21.9%
[government inflation figures]
In the year to June 2009, the prices of many essentials rose at a far higher rate than RPI inflation:
- Coal & solid fuels up 21.9%
- Fuel and light up 9.6%
- Gas up 24.0%
- Electricity up 6.8%
- Water and other charges up 4.7%
- Fares and other travel costs 5.5%
- Bus and coach fares 7.3%
- Other travel costs 4.8%
- Food up 5.3%, with
- tea up 10.3%
- coffee & other hot drinks 10.7%
- potatoes up 7.4%
- pork up 11.4%
- bacon up 4.7%
- biscuits & cakes 4.3%
- beef up 6.0%
- milk up 5.8%
- lamb up 9.7%
- sugar up 12.0%
- fruit up 5.2%
- vegetables up 9.8%
- cereals up 6.1%
- fish up 20.0%
- and if there’s any money left, the cost of a foreign holiday has gone up by 7.8% [For the complete breakdown of how prices have been rising, click here.
[For the statistics for February, the month whose price rises are supposed to guide our pay rises, click here.]
So, London Underground and TfL's 1.5% pay rise won't buy you very much, will it? And the following years of their multi-year offers are even worse! In fact, these offers amount to pay cuts, which is why RMT is determined to fight for a better deal.
Our pay rises
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