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Tube Lines workers are set to strike from 19:00hrs on Wednesday 23 June through to 18:59hrs Friday 25 June. Tube Lines are responsible for crucial maintenance and engineering roles from lifts and escalators to signals and track - primarily, though not solely on the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly Lines.
Importantly, Tube Lines are responsible for the Emergency Response Unit that covers the entire network and is fundamental to the safe running of London Underground. To ensure your own safety and that of others during the period of industrial action you are advised to approach your management prior to carrying out your duties for assurances that a safe system of work is in place.
The attached documents include:
- The impact of the Tube Lines strike with advice about refusal to work on the grounds of safety (view online)
- A pro forma to submit if you feel it is unsafe for you to carry out your duties (view online)
- and further information about refusal to work on the grounds of safety (view online)
You can also download them using the links below.
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