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Your negotiating team met today (3rd April) with London Underground who made us a derisory pay offer of a one-year, RPI only deal, which works out as 2.5% based on the February 2019 figure. This offer was conditional on us removing all other aspects of our pay claim, for example a shorter working week, better work/life balance and improved travel facilities.
This offer is an insult to our members and makes it crystal clear that London Underground have no respect for us or the work that we do. Our members deserve a decent pay rise, as well as improved terms for the work that they do.
The Regional Organiser will now submit a report to the National Executive Committee, based on the united view of your negotiating team, recommending that we reject the offer and to enter into a formal dispute with London Underground, unless they significantly improve their offer. We will further reccommend that we arrange a second stage reps meeting and prepare a ballot matrix of all London Underground members.
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