LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Jobs Going Through The Back Door!

Your RMT Reps have received information that shows London Underground (LUL) cutting jobs through the back door. The RMT has called for an emergency meeting with LUL management to explain what they are doing and await their reply to our request.

The methods that LUL are deploying to cut these jobs are appalling and is stopping staff gaining promotion, stopping staff working beyond retirement (for those want to!) and in the case of Waterloo blatantly removing positions off the new roster.

Managers Breach Safety at Blackhorse Road

While Victoria line drivers are being sacked for safety breaches which would not even have occurred had the company fitted correct-side door enable equipment to its trains, it seems that managers can make safety-critical mistakes with impunity. An example of this took place on 7th May at Blackhorse Road station. At about 1700, both escalators failed. The Supervisor tried everything to get at least one of them restarted but without success.

Willesden Green Group - Station Staff Name Strike Date

Following an overwhelmimg yes vote for Industrial action and London Undergrounds refusal to invite the Equality and Human Rights Commission to investigate Managements discriminatory and abusive treatment of our members, a strike has been called as follows:

Members are not to book-on for any turns of duty that commence between 18.59 Hours on Wednesday 8th April and 18.58 Hours on Thursday 9th April 2009.

Breakdown in Industrial Relations, Willesden Green Group - LUL

From RMT official circular IR/108/09, dated 2nd April 2009

As you are aware there was a ballot held for Willesden Green and the results for this ballot are shown below;

WILLESDEN GREEN GROUP ________________________STRIKE ACTION____SHORT OF STRIKE NUMBER VOTING YES______35_______________39 NUMBER VOTING NO_______18_______________13 SPOILT PAPERS___________0________________1 TOTAL VOTES____________53_______________53

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Willesden Green members for their resolve and support.

Oyster Card Proposed Minimum £5 Top-Up LUL

From RMT official circular IR/86/09, dated 17th March 2009

I have been informed that LUL are trialling a minimum £5 Oyster top – up. LUL are stating that this is to help commuters to speed up their journey and shorten queues.

RMT’s view is that this is clearly targeted at poor people including pensioners and the unemployed.

While claiming to be an attempt to cut queues it is in fact part of an attempt to find ways of reducing the services to passengers and to undermine ticket offices.

Yours Sincerely

Bob Crow General Secretary

'RMT Platform' 16 March 2009 - Call This A Pay Offer?!

The new issue of 'RMT Platform' - RMT's newsletter for London Underground stations and revenue staff - condemns LUL's five-year pay 'offer', and urges all members to vote Yes in RMT's ballot for industrial action and to get involved in the union's campaigning.

It also reports on the pressure managers are putting on ticket sellers, advises members to submit grievances against snow day deductions, outlines the process for lifting the limit on transfer and promotion nominations and celebrates a victory for common sense and RMT!