LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Relaunch of Station and Revenue Grades Committee

Venue: Exmouth Arms, Starcross Street, near Euston.

A meeting for all stations and revenue reps and activists to discuss what is going on in your workkplace, to hear reports from and give feedback to level 2 / tier 2 reps, and to plan our campaigning against job cuts and for a better deal for staff.

Meetings will take place on the first Wednesday of every month; same time, same venue.

Stations and Revenue Control Safety Council

Following elections, the following members were elected to the stations safety council from Jan 1st 2010

Dave Phillips (Neasden Branch) Jason Dew (Finsbury park branch) Ross Marshall (Neasden Branch)

They will join Pat O'Brien on the council for a 3 year term of office.

Im sure everybody will join me in sending a massive thank you to the work of the 3 outgoing members.

Unjum Murza (Stratford Branch) Tony Gandolfi (Camden 3 Branch) Vik Parmar (Central Line west Branch)

They will be missed by the union and the 1000s of members they have supported over the past few years.

Companies and grades: 
Workplace campaigns: 

How Job Cuts Plan Affects Us

London Underground's plans for slashing station staffing - leaked last week by RMT - will directly affect Stratford no.1 branch station staff in two major ways. Firstly, virtually all our ticket offices will close, with shedloads of jobs lost. Secondly, Barkingside group will be disbanded and its stations reallocated to Leyton and Buckhurst Hill groups.

RMT Begins Ballot In Four Separate TfL Disputes

Today RMT began balloting four separate groups of members for industrial action in four separate localised trade disputes:

  • EDF Energy Powerlink
  • LU Hammersmith and City Depot Drivers
  • Straford Market Depot - Alstom Metro Trains
  • LUL Willesden Green Group

RMT has also today served notice on London Underground for a ballot of staff over pay and conditions with the ballot closing on Monday 21st December.

Trade Dispute Updates for EDF Energy, Stratford Depot - Alstom, Hammersmith and City Depot and Willesden Green Station Group Members

circular logoThis is an official RMT circular - IR/399/09 dated 13th of November 2009, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

RMT is currently in a number of dispute situations with various TfL employers that will necessitate ballots for industrial action. In addition to this there is of course the company wide dispute with LUL itself and I am carrying out the necessary checks for this ballot and hope to be in a position to report on progress next week.

Regretfully, this process has become even more complicated than before following a High Court ruling against us in respect of a recent ballot we conducted amongst our EDF Energy members.

Censored! Company Bans Freedom of Expression at Finsbury Park

In a pathetic display of petulance, management on the Finsbury Park Group have ripped down two important notices from RMT notice cases. Apparently acting on instructions from no less than the company’s Employee Relations Manager, Gerry Duffy, management tore down the October issue of Monthly News and banned its circulation to staff on the group on 23rd October. Then, on the 26th, they removed from notice cases a report by local Reps of a Level 1 meeting held with management that same day.

Operations Strategic Plan

Your Stations and revenue reps discovered back in June 2009 that LU planned to keep at least 150 vacancies on all groups in an attempt to drive down its staffing costs. Your functional reps challenged this new policy of reducing staffing levels and the lack of any consultation over its strategy and referred the issue to an ad-hoc directors meeting which was ‘swiftly’ arranged some 3 months later!