LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Special Safety Notice from the Stations and Revenue Safety Council

Last Thursday, 29th April, RMT reps from the Stations and Revenue Safety Council were asked to attend a special meeting to discuss safety issues from the OSP (Job cuts programme).

We attended the meeting and at the start made it clear that as this matter was still at company council we would not be prepared to discuss anything or sit through any presentation. We made it very clear that until LUL had gone through the proper machinary and way of doing things, that is how our position would remain. We then left the meeting

Station & Revenue Grades Committee Meeting May 5th

Stations and Revenue Grades Meetings Monthly meetings that bring together rank-and-file station and revenue RMT reps and activists. All members are welcome to come along and raise issues that concern you and plan with others how we are going to fight for a better deal for our grades.

Come along and bring your experience and ideas with you!

Location: The Exmouth Arms (upstairs), nearest station Euston Square.

exit the station turn right, take the first right. For a map click the FIND US tab.

Standing Items on the Agenda:

'Staff Our Stations': campaign at Liverpool Street

Around 15 RMT members and supporters dished out hundreds of leaflets to Liverpool Street passengers on Friday lunchtime, explaining London Underground's plans to cut staff and ticket office service at their station.

All 500 leaflets were taken by passengers, many eager to read about the threat and support our campaign against it, and many of whom signed our petition:

Detraining On Your Own - Proposed Rule Change

A proposed change to the rule book, dated the end of last year, suggests that train operators could detrain on their own if a train is stalled without communications in a tunnel for more than half an hour.

The proposal document details how you should walk ahead of the customers making efforts to ensure they are all following and get them to pass on information amongst themselves about trip hazards. At points using telephone wires to turn of traction current. When you get to the next station get staff assistance if this is possible. This would suggest that it may not be possible to find staff at a section 12 station.

Download the full document to make up your own mind about whether it is safe and what it means for the future of staffing levels on stations were it to be implemented.

Minutes: Stations & Revenue Grades Committee Meeting 7th April 2010

Agenda: 1. Minutes from previous meeting 3rd March 2010 2. Standing Orders 3. Election of third contact for Staff our Stations Campaign 4. Membership lists (change to agenda agreed by members present) 5. Recruitment and retention Plan 6. Standing Items: Stations & Revenue Council Report, Local Reports, Stations and Revenue H&SReport.

Stations & Revenue Grades Committee

Stations and Revenue Grades Meetings Monthly meetings that bring together rank-and-file station and revenue RMT reps and activists. All members are welcome to come along and raise issues that concern you and plan with others how we are going to fight for a better deal for our grades.

Come along and bring your experience and ideas with you!

Location: The Exmouth Arms (upstairs), nearest station Euston Square.

exit the station turn right, take the first right. For a map click the FIND US tab.

Standing Items on the Agenda:

Station Groups Re-organisation: the gory details

London Underground has given some information about its plans to reorganise station groups. Comparing this with existing staff numbers, we can see where the company plans to cut jobs, and what effect the reorganisation will have on your working life.

You will see from this that every station and every group will be affected. You can not escape the effect of these cuts - except by joining RMT's fight to stop them!

Click here to read what London Underground is planning and why RMT objects.