LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

'RMT Platform', 14 August 2009: Your Job Under Threat

newsletterThe new issue of our 'RMT Platform' newsletter itemises London Underground management's attacks on stations jobs, and reveals statistics that show just how mean LUL's pay offer really is. You can read all issues of 'RMT Platform' here.

It tells staff your rights regarding cancellation of overtime, and taking grievances against managers.

'RMT Platform' also reports on:

New Threat to Stations Jobs

The attachment on this article details the management's attempt to drive custom away from ticket office windows and therefore do away with ticket office jobs. Euston, Paddington, Brixton, Victoria and Kings Cross are the latest stations which are trialling the five pounds minimum top up of oyster cards.

Ex Silverlink stations: Management attack core role of Station Supervisor

London Underground management are trying to whittle away the core roles of a Station Supervisor by creating a part-qualified Supervisor grade on the ex-Silverlink stations. RMT believes that this is both unfair on the staff who will take up these Supervisor jobs and a threat to the Station Supervisor grade in general. We are insisting that all Station Supervisor grades must continue to receive the full core Supervisor training and not be de-skilled.

'RMT Platform' 22 June 2009: Station Staff Strike Back

RMT PlatformThe new issue of 'RMT Platform' reports on station staff's solid participation in RMT's strike for jobs, pay and justice. It also gives information on our campaign for snow day pay, London Underground's backdoor job cuts, the new Ticket Office Procedures Handbook, and the 'Textback' trial flop. Plus there is advice on station and revenue staff's rights.

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it.

New Ticket Office Procedures Handbooks - We need your feedback

We have been negotiating with LUL on the new New Ticket Office Procedures Handbooks for over a year now and they have been introduced without due consideration to our comments and concerns. We have real fears that the original TOPH is being watered down to make it easier to reduce ticket office hours, close ticket offices and get rid of SAMF and SS jobs.

Station Supervisors............... are you out there?

As part of last years dispute it was agreed that traffic hour supervision would be in place on the Wembley central group by the end of April 2009......well that date has now been and gone and there are no Super's in place yet?

Question to RMT head office what is this Union doing about this?? Surely we are considering at the least to take this to ACAS.

For branch members please come to the next branch to help pass a resolution getting the EC to take some action over LU's lack of progress on this matter.

GSMs on the line: Who is in charge?

GSM Simon Jones (Charing Cross) and GSM Stacey McManus (Wembley Central) have virtually no experience of operating in our industry and their management of both groups over the last year goes a long way in proving their incompetence. Performance manager Dave Proffit appears to have far too much involvement on all the groups and many staff members and reps are of the opinion that the GSM's don't lead their groups its Dave Proffit.