LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

This is a circular from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow - LUL/4/4

Concerns have been raised with regard to the posting on the internet of a film of a Customer Service Assistant allegedly behaving inappropriately towards a customer, and the resulting campaign for his dismissal.

Recruitment Day Success

On Wednesday 21st October the Bakerloo branch recruitment and retention team hit the Oxford Circus group, dishing out the latest newsletter, badges, keyrings and other goodies. We got to talk to people about the upcoming ballot for strike action and signed two new members up to the RMT.

Management Out of Control - But Finsbury Park Members say ‘Enough is Enough’

Finsbury Park managers are lashing out against grievances and harassments against them by fed up RMT members who say “enough is enough”. One member has been so traumatised by the harassment that they suffered they have been sent back to LUOH counselling after a fact finding interview 8 months after the incident. A culture of fear and threat has been imposed on the most vulnerable members to assert control but it has backfired and members are united that they shall take it no more.

One Rule for Us...

Strategy to Defend Stations & Revenue Jobs

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 branch and seconded by TfL no.1 branch, was passed unanimously by the October 2009 meeting RMT's London Transport Regional Council.

This branch / Regional Council endorses and will carry out the following strategy for defending stations and revenue jobs:

1. London Underground is currently pursuing several policies which lead us to believe that the company intends to cut stations and revenue jobs within the next few years, including:

Honour your agreements

Following last years dispute and supposed resolution over the treatment and working conditions of our colleagues on the Wembley Central group we are still no closer to getting what was agreed.