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Jobs Going Through The Back Door!

Your RMT Reps have received information that shows London Underground (LUL) cutting jobs through the back door. The RMT has called for an emergency meeting with LUL management to explain what they are doing and await their reply to our request.

The methods that LUL are deploying to cut these jobs are appalling and is stopping staff gaining promotion, stopping staff working beyond retirement (for those want to!) and in the case of Waterloo blatantly removing positions off the new roster.

The Revenue Control department currently has 16 vacancies which management aren’t filling despite them receiving a budget that includes the 16 staff. Question: Where’s the money going?

LUL’s failure to fill these 16 positions has had a detrimental effect on many staff members who have aspirations of becoming a revenue control inspector, and in the case of a couple of staff returning from career breaks has prevented them from actually gaining employment.

On Stations with part-time positions LUL are refusing to fill these vacancies citing the reason that groups are still over establishment for the CSA grade. If this is the real reason we (RMT) find it very hard to believe, as next month LUL are recruiting CSAs again, but we are being told they are over establishment?

The RMT’s belief (which is based on facts and figures provided by LUL) is that since the shorter working week every group is currently understaffed by as much as 10% so by not filling the Part time vacancies it not only increases everyone’s workload and safe running of stations but greatly reduces the staff’s opportunity to change their working hours for health, age or caring reasons.

On the Waterloo group management are trying to push through new rosters which show a reduction in Ticket office staff. The RMT fought successfully last year to defend ticket office jobs network-wide but we were realistic in the assumption that the issue wouldn’t go away. As we figured it would come back it is here again just over a year later. Waterloo is obviously a blatant example of trying to cut SAMF jobs but LUL are employing other more covert tactics, by continually driving customers away from ticket office windows thus enabling them to reduce opening hours and eventually jobs.

As soon as we have had the meeting, progress reports will be published/reported on this website so watch this space.