LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

RMT Health & Safety Council on the 'red tabard trial'

As you may or may not be aware, your station has been picked to take part in a trial which LU hopes will involve staff voluntarily wearing a red “tabard” with “Here To Help” written on the back. This trial was born out of a London Travel Watch survey which states the following. Throughout our research, it has become clear that most passengers feel that the most critical part of their journey experience relating to staff is their visibility and availability, as opposed to their location.

Make sure this notice is displayed on every station

Local reps should make sure that this notice is displayed on every station. Local contact details for RMT should be added. Contact Jared at if you want a  publisher version to insert details before printing.

All RMT members on stations should save a shortcut to on the homepage of your iPad or on your smartphone.

RMT on Parsons Green station explosion

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"RMT is aware of the incident at Parsons Green this morning and the unions safety reps are awaiting further facts from London Underground. The union is supporting our members at this time.

"The incident shows once again that tube staff are the first responders in emergency situations and the clear need for safety and security to remain the number one priority and for the resources and staffing to be in place to deal with all eventualities."

Bakerloo News September 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line from RMT Bakerloo branch activists.

In this edition:

  • LU attacks RMT stations reps
  • Reinstate Danny Davis!
  • Cleaning contract transfer
  • Queens Park bosses: Making it up as they go along on sickness and attendance
  • Bakerloo driver wins pay reinstatement

RMT considering options as LUL de-recognises our reps


The following resolution was recently received from our Bakerloo Branch:-

“This Branch notes LU’s unilateral de-recognition of 15 of our elected stations reps, including one in our Branch.

This is a significant attack on our union’s democracy which disenfranchises our members and amounts to a form of union busting. It will have a particularly detrimental effect on Night Tube and part-time members.

Could Your iPad get you the Sack?

Download the new SFC News for news on iPads, data abuse and the latest on roster consultations on stations.


RMT reps are dealing with an alarming number of  cases where iPads, staff oysters, CCTV and even station evacuation sheets are being trawled to try and find evidence of wrongdoing.

With the imminent roll-out of the roster & coverage tool (RCT), which includes electronic booking on and off the potential for data to be used to discipline you, sometimes long after the event, is alarming.