LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Station staff to be balloted in detainment dispute

That we note the resolution from our Jubilee South Branch and applaud their concern over this unsafe practice which is detrimental to our members and the travelling public.

Therefore, we instruct the General Secretary to ballot all CSA1 staff members at Waterloo for action short of strike that:

They will not give the right to, indicate to or in any other way give assistance to any Waterloo & City Line Train Operators to proceed into the depot or siding, that has not first been physically detrained.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Blog: overtime scandals, & minimum vs recommended numbers

The past few months have been tough for all staff.
Overtime shifts have not been paid out, which has led to not just frustration, but also financial hardships for a lot of us.

Management has tried to blame this on variation sheets not been filled out correctly. But when the sheets have been checked, they were in the vast majority, correct.

I emailed all staff with the process of how to claim their money owed, but this isn't good enough.

Station Functional Council News August 2018

Station Functional Council News is the newsletter for London Underground station workers, produced by RMT activists in the grade.

In this edition:

  • Organising On Night Tube
  • Attendance At Work Policy
  • Crossrail Fightback
  • Code 36 & Performance Issues
  • Uncovered Duties
  • Why All Tube Workers Should Be In The RMT

Please share this newsletter online, and print and distribute it in your workplace.

RMT Night Tube Members' Meeting

RMT Night Tube Members' Meeting.

Friday 18 May 9pm Brixton Union Room

Come meet reps, ask questions, put forward your issues.

RMT invites Night Tube staff to meet your union reps:

- know your rights
- raise your issues
- demand better conditions

Friday 18 May 21:00
Brixton Union Room
(meet at the station gateline for directions)

London Underground management have agreed to review Night Tube station staff’s working conditions. RMT is calling for:

Stations & Revenue Council News May 2018

Please download, distribute and share online Stations & Revenue Council News.

Reports are flooding in from across the combine of routine abuse of the Attendance At Work (AAW) policy.
Given these abuses, all local reps are strongly encouraged to appeal any LDI outcome other than “no further action”.Some classic lines to be on the lookout for when repping members at LDIs:

Elizabeth Line safety concerns raised


We note the serious safety concerns in the resolution from our East Ham Branch; and instruct the General Secretary to call a meeting of H&S Reps from affected
lines/stations, the Lead Officer/Relief Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC.

Relevant branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

RMT hauls LU over the coals for breach of confidentiality

Your union recently exposed a serious breach of data protection by London Underground, whereby historic, and some current, information relating to case conferences, disciplinaries, sickness records, etc., for all station groups and train depots across the combine may have been accessible to a significantly greater number of individuals than those who legitimately needed to access it, via a shared “ESISHARE” drive accessible to CSS and CSM-grade staff logged into OneLondon.