RMT Fights Back Against Imposition of Unsafe Procedures for Tube Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We also note the expressed view of our trains health and safety representatives that three particular aspects of London Underground’s ‘Operational Effectiveness Programme’ and are unacceptable and potentially dangerous. These are the proposed new procedures for: reversing a train; platform re-categorisation; and carrying passengers over a shunt signal. London Underground is now imposing Operational Standards Notice (OSN) 101 against the objections of our representatives.

RMT to Fight for Justice for Jayesh

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

Following our previous decision of 22 June, we are appalled that London Underground has upheld the unjust downgrading of Jayesh Patel at appeal.
We note the resolution from our Bakerloo branch, and applaud the willingness of our Bakerloo train driver members to take strike action to reverse this downgrading.

Transfer: Carillion to TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice regarding the problems that our Regional Organiser has experienced in obtaining information about this transfer. As recommended by our legal advisor, we instruct the General Secretary to make a formal request for disclosure of the minutes of all relevant meetings leading up to transfer. We also instruct the General Secretary to obtain from the Regional Organiser a report of any outstanding issues about which our members feel aggrieved.

LU Harassment and Bullying Procedure

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and that London Underground has agreed to reconvene the Harassment and Bullying Joint Working Party to review the Harassment and Bullying Policy due to have taken place 12 months after its introduction

We instruct the General Secretary to offer full support tour representatives who are taking part in this review and to obtain a progress report following the next JWP meeting on 19th September.

Olympics - Serco Docklands

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Lead Officer on negotiations with DLR. The General Secretary is instructed to ensure that we enter into negotiations with Serco Docklands on the Olympics issue and to ensure that reports are placed before the General Grades Committee so that we can co-ordinate our response with those offers received from other companies.

Olympic Reward and Recognition - London Underground / TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

The General Secretary is instructed to get a report from the Regional Organiser on the up to date position on the negotiations on LUL/TFL and all other companies working under auspices of TFL.

We change the file to now read TFL instead of LUL and we put Serco Docklands file on this main file.

Regional Social & Mass Meeting on 2011 Pay & 2012 Olympics Rewards Claims

Please Find Attached a Leaflet for the Mass Meeting on Pay & Olympic Reward claims and the Regional Social Night at the 12 Pins Public House.

12 Pins Public House,
263 Seven Sisters Road
Finsbury Park

Mass Meeting-1730-1930

From 1930 til late, there will be a Regional Social to celebrate RMT's victory in the Victimisation disputes within our Region. There will be a Buffet & Music and a chance for activists & members to get together and have some fun.

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the revised offer from London Underground. The only difference between this and the previous offer is that it includes a minimum pay rise of 2% for years 2 to 5. Although this is welcome, and addresses one of our grounds for rejecting the previous offer, it does not address our other objections, which are as follows:

• The offer of 5% for this year is still below the February RPI figure of 5.5% and is thus a real-terms pay cut.

Northfields Fleet Staff to Vote on Industrial Action in Support of Workmate

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch and share the branch’s concerns about the unjust way in which our member is being treated. We further note the branch’s view that members have no trust in the disciplinary procedure being applied fairly, and wish to take industrial action to ensure justice for their workmate.