Council of Executives Member's Report to Regional Council, 25 August


  • London Underground
    • revised offer (Y1 5%, Y2-4 RPI+0.25%, Y5 RPI+0.5%) rejected by GGC
    • other unions also rejected; RMT wrote to ASLEF urging joint response: no reply
    • LU has referred the issue to ACAS
    • campaign needed in workplaces; LTRC meeting for members, 15 September
  • CTS – 3% offer, feedback sought
  • Alstom – revised offer: Y1 4%; Y2 4% + Olympics bonus of up to £400 – Regional Organiser recommends referendum with recommendation to reject


  • Tunde Umanah reinstated

RMT Demands End To ‘Reckless’ Override Of Tube Door Safety System

Victoria line incident could have been fatal, says union

TUBE UNION RMT has demanded an end to the “reckless” policy of expecting drivers to override a door failsafe system after a potentially fatal incident in which a passenger jumped from a moving train and another was caught in its open doors.

The incident, at Oxford Circus station, happened after the ‘sensitive edge’ door-safety system – which immobilises a train if anything is caught in its doors – was over-ridden on a Victoria Line train during the evening peak on July 11.

National Meeting of RMT Station Staff Representatives


19 South Mall
Frenchgate Centre

As part of our ongoing campaign for the re-staffing of ALL stations and against the proposals in the McNulty Report, I have been directed by the Annual General Meeting to arrange a meeting with the Station Staff Representatives for all Train Operating Companies and London Underground Ltd.

August Regional Political Report

Please find attached a Regional Political report on the recent riots and LU Managements plans to decimate jobs on London Underground after the Olympics.

Given both the ever continuing economic crisis and the Employers determination to use this crisis as a cloak for attacks on jobs,pay and conditions it is vital that we prepare and organise for the battles upon us.

Updating RMT Membership Database

The following resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 was carried at the Regional Council meeting on September 29th.

This Region is very disappointed that for two years in succession, it has taken several months for the union to update its database for London Underground membership following a change in the law (last year) and a company re-organisation (this year). In both cases, this has hampered this union's ability to take effective industrial action. We ask the Council of Executives to urgently examine how future updates can be carried out much more efficiently and promptly.

Union Merger -Regional Council meeting August 25th

The following resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 Branch and seconded by Piccadilly & District Line West was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on 25th August.

We welcome the rapprochement between TSSA and RMT and support maximum
democracy within any Union that emerges. We look forward to increased membership
involvement and communications around ongoing negotiations. We reaffirm our support for a single Union on the Railways,covering all grades

The Riots

The following resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on September 29th

Resolution:Election of Functional Reps - submitted by Central line West Branch and amended by Finsbury Park Branch for the Regional Council meeting on the 25th August:

Election of Functional Reps - submitted by Central line West Branch and amended by Finsbury Park Branch is tabled for the Regional Council meeting on the 25th August.

The amendment by Finsbury Park was not accepted by Central line West Branch.
This resolution fell as there was no seconder.

This branch reaffirms its support for the policy of functional and tier two reps returning to the workplace after a three year term in office.
This branch also supports the ability of functional reps to stand down from the level 1 position if they so choose.

Resolution:Support Palestinian & Israeli Workers-submitted by Stratford No 1 Branch for the Regional Council meeting on the 25th August:

Support Palestinian & Israeli Workers:submitted by Stratford No 1 Branch and seconded by Camden No 1 at the Regional Council meeting on the 25th August fell-5 votes Against, 3 votes For and 5 Abstentions.