Phone hacking

The following resolution submitted by LU Engineering Branch and seconded by Central Line West was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on 25th August.

This branch notes:
The 'Hacking' scandal has done far more than expose what a filthy rich, anti union, anti poor, bastard Murcdoch and News International are.
It has exposed that, even in 'democracies' like Britain, real power actually lies in unelected bodies among massive multi-national corporations and the state. It has, in an instant, exposed the corrupt relationship between the media, state and politicians.

Resolution:LTRC Voting-submitted by LU Engineering and amended by LU Engineering for the August 25th Regional Council meeting.

LTRC Voting:

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch,amended by LU Engineering and seconded by TFL No 1 fell at the August 25th Regional Council meeting-10 votes Against 4 votes For.

Stratford No 1 withdrew their amendment and there was no seconder for an amendment submitted by Piccadilly & District Line West.


The following resolution submitted by the Bakerloo line Branch and seconded by Finsbury Park was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on the 25th August:

This Regional Council notes that LU wish to extend the driving parameters and amount of turns worked on the Bakerloo Line to 6 during the Olympics next year. We are also aware that management wish to bring in rest day working during that period.

Pay Round Up: London Underground and other London Transport Companies

Several companies where RMT negotiates have agreed pay deals this year and several more have had offers made for 2011. The table below shows the current status of pay claims and pay awards - so you can see where things stand in the company you work for.

If you work for London Underground, you can see how LUL compares with other employers in the TfL area with its below-inflation current offer of 5% for this year and the rates for the next four years in the five-year deal that has been tabled, have a look at the table below.

RMT Rejects London Underground's Latest Below-Inflation Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We reject the latest offer from London Underground on the following grounds:

  • The revised offer of 5% for this year is still below the February RPI figure of 5.5% and is thus a real-terms pay cut. It is important that pay rises keep pace with, or preferably exceed, price rises, and that the same month's RPI figure is used each year in order to track price rises year-on-year.

RMT Continues Campaign for Stations Jobs

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the thorough discussions that took place at the meeting of our representatives on 24 May, and the reports from our Regional Organiser and Stations & Revenue Council representatives. We also note LU management’s response to the reviews dated 25 May. We instruct the General Secretary to write urgently to LU, summarising the issues raised by our representatives at ACAS as outlined in the file, informing the company that we find its response totally inadequate and insisting on a more detailed response.

Council of Executives Member's Report to LTRC Executive, August 2011

  • LU pay – revised offer (Y1 5%, Y2-4 RPI+0.25%, Y5 RPI+0.5%) to be discussed by GGC tomorrow (10/8) – recommendation to reject – letter to ASLEF urging joint response: no reply
  • CTS pay – 3% offer, feedback sought
  • Victimisations – Tunde Umanah, Jayesh Patel, Tony Rowntree – all still awaiting appeal outcome
  • Review of industrial disputes, LU – verbal report on progress to be given; input needed
  • LU Job Cuts – to be discussed by GGC tomorrow (10/8)

Bakerloo News August 2011

Click on the attachment to download latest Bakerloo newsletter.
Main stories follow:

LU breach procedures on Wembley Central displacement proposals

The RMT is extremely concerned on the proposals to displace staff on the Wembley Central Group. Bakerloo management have attempted to bypass procedures in their rush to get rid of detrainment staff at Queens Park, Stonebridge and Harrow.