Draft Minutes: Regional Council meeting, 26 May 2011

*Bakerloo – M.Taylor
*Camden No.3 – John Reid
*Central Line West –V.Thomas
*DLR –
*East Ham – Gary Lazell, N.Robertson, A.Rowntree, U.Mirza
*Finsbury Park – John Kelly, Glenroy Watson, Frank Curtis, Dean O'Hanlon, Neil Cochrane, W.Reid, D.Rayfield, J.Leach
*Hammersmith & City – M.Harding
*Jubilee South & East London Line –J.Gwynn
*London Taxis –
*LU Engineering –L.Peacock, A.Littlechild.P.Jackson
*LU Fleet –K.Crowe
*Morden & Oval – Arwyn Thomas, G Hart
*Neasden – D.Phillips, N.Eivers, J.Wood
*Piccadilly & District West – O.New, S.Regan

Public Meeting: London Trade Unions Battle ConDem Cuts

A joint trade union meeting is being held in London to press the demand for a public sector general strike in the autumn. The meeting is being organized by the National Shop Stewards Network and will be attended by the RMT, Fire Brigades Union, Communication Workers Union and the Public and Commercial Sectors Union.

All our welcome.

The meeting will be held on Monday 18th July, 6.00pm at Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, W1T 6AQ. (Map).

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We reject the latest pay offer from London Underground. The fractional increase in the offer for this year is to only 4.75%, which is still significantly below inflation, as the RPI figure for February was 5.5%. Our members are experiencing significant increases in their costs of living, the latest being the outrageous price rises announced by British Gas.

RMT Taxi Branch Chalks Up Significant Victory In Fight Against Unlicensed And Unsafe Rickshaws Clogging Up Central London

Taxi union RMT confirmed today that their Parliamentary Convenor John McDonnell MP has successfully objected to the TFL London Local Authorities Bill at Second Reading - specifically on the grounds that it would lead to the continued proliferation of unlicensed, unsafe rickshaws clogging up central London

Council of Executives Report to Regional Council Executive, July 2011


  • Arwyn reinstated - dispute resolved - details of settlement to be given verbally
  • request for donation to LabourStart
  • outstanding victimisation cases - Tony Rowntree; Jayesh Patel; Tunde Amanah
  • review of industrial disputes

Pay & Conditions

  • London Underground - Company Council tomorrow; cleaning vouchers
  • Tube Lines (ex-Alstom) - accepted
  • EDF Powerlink - rejected
  • CBS Outdoor - accepted
  • TfL - third year of 3-year deal

RMT warns of lethal consequences as tube bosses plan to replace station staff with untrained volunteers during the Olympics

TUBE UNION RMT today cast a public safety warning over London Underground’s Olympic strategy for staffing stations as it emerged they plan to use “Non Licensed Volunteers” to work throughout stations doing “way finding”- a coded term for crowd control - a skill and task that should only be carried out by experienced competent members of staff.

Disciplinary Issue Resolved at Northumberland Park Depot

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow to RMT Fleet members at Northumberland Park depot:

Dear Colleagues,

I write to advise you that the ballot for industrial action has now been suspended as an agreement has now been reached on this matter. As you will recall three of your colleagues were being disciplined following allegations that they breached LUL (TFL) Internet and Email policy back in 2008 and faced serious sanctions. Your Union argued that as TFL were not the employer at the time and due to the timescale involved it was unreasonable to go down this route.