Your Right to 'Necessary Leave' If Your Kids' School Closes Due to NUT Strike on 30 June

Dear Colleagues,


In view of the strikes next Thursday 30 June 2011, I felt a reminder on the legal position regarding necessary leave to look after children or other dependents may be of assistance.

Under S.57A Employment Rights Act 1996 (“ERA 1996”), employees have the right to take unpaid time off work, in certain circumstances, to care for or make arrangements in respect of a ‘dependant’. In order for the right to apply, the employee must:
(a) tell the employer the reason for his or her absence as soon as reasonably practicable; and

Strike for workplace justice!

The RMT train grades committee has produced a new RMT up front. Click on the link to download it. Articles follow:

Strike for workplace justice!

The RMT has called all drivers out on strike action next week for the reinstatement of Northern Line driver Arwyn Thomas (see overleaf for details).
Arwyn was sacked because he has for 30 years represented RMT members and has loyally argued the union’s corner in the workplace.
He was sacked because LU have been found out as an aggressive anti trade union employer and are targeting reps and activists to undermine union organisation on the tube.

RMT Young Members' Advisory Committee to Expand

RMT Council of Executives decision:

We note the report [from the Organisation, Training and Education Sub-Committee]. However, we believe that our young members should not be treated differently from our other groups which have Advisory Committees, and therefore agree that the Young Members' Advisory Committee should consist of five seats per region.

We encourage all groups which have Advisory Committees to set up regional committee, to improve organisation, encourage member participation, and delegate their Representatives to the national Advisory Committees.

Public notice

It has been drawn to our attention that a text message may have been circulated amongst employees of London Underground stipulating that RMT is willing to offer a financial incentive to any employee who is prepared to participate in industrial action in the dispute with London Underground over its refusal to reinstate Arwyn Thomas.

RMT wishes to be clear that no financial incentive will be offered to any individual who is not a member of RMT, pursuant to the current trade dispute with London Underground, over its refusal to reinstate Arwyn Thomas.

Message to Drivers in Response to LU Management Letter

  • London Underground is NOT promising to reinstate Arwyn if he wins his Employment Tribunal
  • In fact, LU has explicitly refused to promise this
  • When an earlier Tribunal asked LU management to reinstate Arwyn, they refused
  • We can not trust LU to act fairly
  • LU should resolve this dispute now by arranging Arwyn's return to work
  • LU promised to do this last month but then broke their promise
  • New strike call has put LU under pressure
  • Our reps are not for sale!

Message to Drivers in Response to LU Management Letter

  • LU is NOT promising to reinstate Arwyn if he wins his Employment Tribunal
  • In fact, LU has explicitly refused to promise this
  • When an earlier Tribunal asked LU management to reinstate Arwyn, they refused
  • We can not trust LU to act fairly
  • LU should resolve this dispute now by arranging Arwyn's return to work
  • Strike call has put LU under pressure
  • Our reps are not for sale!

Pay & Conditions - Tube Lines (former Alstom, Stratford Market Depot)

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the pay offer from Tube Lines for former Alstom staff at Stratford Market depot, and the report from our Regional Organiser. We accept our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that should the employer agree to proposed amendments to the wording of the offer, then it would be acceptable to us.

RMT Reluctantly Accepts CBS Outdoor Pay Offer

That we note the pay offer from CBS Outdoor and the report from our Regional Organiser.

We accept the Regional Organiser’s view that the pay offer (1.3% backdated to April) is poor, but that we should reluctantly accept it. We note that there has also been some progress on working conditions: negotiations on a new roster pattern, new vans, and better training; and on the MMTA grade which management have now agreed to backdate for all staff qualified or unqualified (through lack of training) for six months.

ACAS Talks Break Down as LU Management Refuse to Even Discuss Reinstating Arwyn Thomas - Strikes to Go Ahead

Today, the RMT delegation met with London Underground at ACAS to try to resolve the dispute about LU's victimisation of Northern line driver Arwyn Thomas.

Unfortunately, management refused point blank to even discuss re-employing Arwyn. Furthermore, they stated that even if the Employment Tribunal found 100% in Arwyn's favour, they still would not guarantee to reinstate him. Therefore, we have no option but to go ahead with our strike action to defend our longstanding rep and activist.