RMT train grades committee produces new RMT up front

The RMT train grades committee has produced the latest edtion of RMT up front focussing on the union's campaign to reinstate Arwyn Thomas. Main stories follow:


Once again, London Underground management have proved that they do not deserve our faith or trust. Following a bold programme of industrial action which shook the establishment and kept the copywriters at the Evening Substandard busy for days and caused politicians and commentators to bay for Boris’ blood, an agreement was reached which allowed us to suspend previous action.

Letter from Regional Organiser to RMT members

Dear colleagues

I am writing to you as your Regional Organiser to appeal to you to get behind the union's decision to strike for the reinstatement of train driver Arwyn Thomas

Arwyn Thomas is a driver at Morden depot who has been victimised for being a very effective trade union representative. Arwyn is a 30-year member of the RMT and during this time has played a key role in organising the union and representing members at all levels including as local representative, branch secretary and executive member of the RMT London Transport Regional Council. Arwyn has had an exemplary record with his employer LUL and has never had any previous disciplinary in his 30 years of service. There is not so much as a local disciplinary for attendance or lateness on his record.

RMT names further strike dates in victimisations dispute

TUBE UNION RMT today announced strike dates involving all train driver members in the on-going dispute over the victimisation of union activist Arwyn Thomas over his trade union activities and the associated continuing harassment and victimisation of union reps throughout London Underground.

Despite strenuous efforts by RMT, LU have refused to reach an agreement that would reinstate Arwyn Thomas despite his successful appeal for “interim relief” for unfair dismissal at the Employment Tribunal on the grounds of his trade union activities.

RMT LGBT Conference: Resolutions

The following resolutions were passed by the recent RMT lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender conference. The first two will go forward to the union's Annual General Meeting. The other two will be discussed by the union's Council of Executives:

  1. Membership Form – Disclosure Option of Sexual Orientation
  2. LGBT History
  3. Homophobia at Work
  4. Production of DVD

New Strike Dates for Arwyn

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That following London Underground’s refusal to even discuss re-employing Arwyn Thomas and the GGC’s decision of 23rd May 2011, we call strike action as follows: -

All London Underground Train Driver Members are further instructed not to book on for any duty that commences: -

  • Between 21.01 hours on Sunday 19th June 2011 and 03.00 hours on Monday 20th June 2011.

We Won’t Sit Back And Watch Jobs And Services Destroyed Say RMT

Commenting on Vince Cable’s threat to make Britain’s already draconian anti-union laws even more repressive, RMT general secretary Bob Crow said today:

“Cable is effectively telling us that the right to strike is something we can have only if we choose not to use it.

He is trying to come across as the nice cop of the ConDem coalition, but the truth is that he wants us to sit back and watch as his government destroys our jobs and wrecks our services.