Tube Victimisation Dispute - The Facts

With strike action in the tube victimisation dispute beginning this weekend, tube union RMT today set out a summary of the key facts regarding the specific case of Northern Line driver Arwyn Thomas.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “The facts in Arwyn Thomas’s case could not be clearer and with the rolling action due to start this weekend I would appeal again to London Underground to see sense, abide by the spirit of the agreement we reached with them weeks ago over these vitimisations and get Arwyn back to work doing what he is being paid to do - drive tube trains."

RMT Executive Report to Regional Council Executive, 14 June 2011

  • Victimisations – see decision re strike dates, Arwyn; talks at ACAS tomorrow; dispute payments decision 20/21 June; publicity and workplace visits; LabourStart email campaign; preparation for all-grades ballot; Tony Rowntree CDI and appeal; other victimisations; review of industrial disputes
  • LU pay – latest offer rejected; next talks 22 June
  • LU stations job cuts – reps’ meeting; GGC decision; stations and revenue grades meeting, 23 June
  • Track contract workers’ charter – list of contractors compiled; reduced subs to be decided 20/21 June; first draft of Charter now done

Signals Grade Progression: RMT Responds to LU

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground.

It is disingenuous of LU to complain that this union has not used the ‘agreed machinery’ when during the period referred to there was no agreed machinery due to LUL’s withdrawal from it. Despite this, our reps have tried to maintain good industrial relations.

Furthermore, despite LUL’s claims, there are no agreed minutes available yet and our representatives have been requesting a director level meeting to discuss this matter.

Victoria Line dispute: Progress so far not acceptable

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the letter from London Underground dated 27 May 2011 on this matter. Its content is not acceptable to our representatives, and by its own admission, it does not address all of our concerns. We continue to believe that there are serious safety concerns on the Victoria Line, and reaffirm our industrial action short of strikes.

We note that a further meeting with the company is to take place on this issue on 23 June. A report on this meeting is to be placed in front of us as soon as possible after this meeting.

RMT Rejects 'Average RPI' Figure in Pay Offers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that a number of employers have recently tabled pay offers including an element of applying the average rate of increase of RPI based on the preceding 12 months.

We wish to ensure that our members’ pay rise each year at least matches, and preferably exceeds, the rate at which their costs of living have risen over the previous year. This can be achieved through a pay rise (whether flat-rate or based on a percentage, or a combination of the two) which exceeds an agreed measure of how much costs of living have risen.

RMT to Co-ordinate Union Approach to Olympics

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our lead officer concerning discussions with Serco Docklands about working arrangements for the Olympic Games.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain reports from all lead officers on progress of discussions regarding the Olympics.

We refer this issue to the Olympics Sub-Committee for examination and report, and instruct that it meet as soon as practical in order to effectively co-ordinate our work on this issue.

Alstom: RMT Rejects Below-Inflation Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the latest pay offer from Alstom, of 2.75% for this year and CPI+0.5% for next year, subject to a minimum of 2% and a maximum of just 3%. We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and also note that this is not a final offer.

Accordingly, we reject this offer, as it is below inflation for this year, and is very poor for Year 2, which includes the Olympic Games. The offer is unacceptable to our members.

Why strike to demand LU reinstate Arwyn Thomas before the Employment Tribunal decision is published?

RMT's ballot mandate to hold strikes expires after 20 June, so the law forces us to take action before then. But we are also striking the following week, rather than waiting for the decision of Arwyn's Tribunal. Why?

Although the Tribunal hearings have concluded, we do not know how long we will have to wait for it to publish its decision. The earliest is 27 June; it could be as late as September. Neither Arwyn, nor his union workmates, should have to wait this long for justice.

Stations Framework Agreement Version 22A Re-Instated

As you are aware management attempted to impose Version 24 of the Stations Framework Agreement even though it had not been fully agreed or ratified by the RMT
At the Stations Functional Council meeting on Wednesday 8th June managenment agreed to withdraw version 24 and re-instate version 22A of the Framework Agreement.