Stratford no.1 Branch Meeting Followed By Meeting To Defend Tunde Umanah

The next Stratford no.1 branch meeting will take place on Thursday 14th July from 5pm at the Leytonstone & District ex-Servicemens Club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone, E11 3BD. (Map.)

It is approximately a two minute walk from Leytonstone underground station.

The branch will then be followed by an all union meeting to discuss and build a defense of sacked colleague Tunde Umanah.

Defend Tunde Umanah!


Click '1 attachment' / file name to download this as a PDF leaflet.

On Monday 20th June, RMT member & activist Tunde Umanah who is a well respected & trusted T/Op at Leytonstone was viciously sacked at a CDI. All issues raised in his defence were dismissed at hand by the disciplinary panel. Tunde was involved in a PTI incident at Woodford where a DTSM deliberately and willingly obstructed the doors on Tunde’s train. At the CDI the evidence was very clear that the DTSM could’ve removed his foot from the doors at any time throughout the incident.

Free Showing of 'Made in Dagenham'

The WEA is to hold a free showing of the film 'made in Dagenham.'

The event will include speakers from the TUC, and refreshments will be available.

The evening will take place at the WEA region Learning Center, 96-100 Clifton road, london, EC2A 4TP on the 21st of July at 6pm.

For more details, please see the attached leaflet.

Retirement at 65 - Does LU Comply with the Law?

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note our Regional Organiser’s report that London Underground appears to be in compliance with age discrimination legislation. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain legal advice to confirm this.

We also note our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that our membership database be equipped to ‘flag up’ members six months before their 65th birthday and send them a letter outlining their rights. We refer this suggestion to Council of Executives.

Signals Grade Progression - Dispute Resolved as LU Agree to RMT Demands

That we note that London Underground has agreed to our demands, and that members who achieve the appropriate qualifications will now receive the substantive grade and rate of pay.

We congratulate our branch, representatives and members on their resolve in pursuing this issue through grievances, negotiations and an industrial action ballot to a satisfactory outcome.

We therefore cancel our industrial action ballot.

Still Battling to Get Uniform Cleaning Vouchers Restored

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from Gerry Duffy, London Underground Employee Relations Director, dated 15 June 2011. We further note that at the Company Council meeting on 14 April, RMT tabled the issue of LU’s withdrawal of uniform cleaning vouchers, and management stated that should we wish to have the vouchers restored, the company would restore them. Following GGC decision G576 of 11 May 2011, we wrote to LU advising that we wish the vouchers to be restored as soon as possible. We are therefore disappointed that Mr Duffy has now written to us, after some delay, advising that rather than restore the vouchers immediately, he intends to convene a meeting of the Uniform Sub-Committee to discuss this matter further.

Review of Industrial Disputes

RMT and London Underground agreed in May to an independent review of industrial disputes on the company. This review will be carried out by a professor of industrial relations. If reps or branches have information or views you would like to feed into this review, please email me RMT's General Grades Committee discussed the terms of reference of the review, and adopted the following report:

Referring to Decision Gww 14 June 2011, we have considered the draft terms of reference of the agreed review of industrial disputes between London Underground and RMT.

London Underground Job Cuts Deepen Inequalities

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report on the equality strand of the review of London Underground’s OSP (job cuts). We endorse the detailed critique of the job cuts’ impact on equalities, which can be found on file. This critique highlights that London Underground:

  • calculates station staffing levels without considering the needs of equality groups
  • uses methods for collecting information, categorising passenger journeys and assessing data which are deeply flawed and fail to account for equality issues