RMT to Consult on Workers' and Passengers' Charter for London

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our Supervisory, Clerical & Other Salaried Grades Conference [see below] and the sentiments expressed within.

We endorse its objections to the ways in which passengers are ripped off by the ticketing system and left without adequate assistance by companies’ cuts in staffing levels and ticket office opening hours.

Electronic Communications - London Underground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We share the concerns of some of our representatives that these guidelines may lead to unfair disciplinary action, and may compromise the ability of union members and representatives to correspond with each other in confidence, for example regarding sensitive personal cases.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to obtain advice as to the legality of these guidelines, and to place the advice in front of us once received.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

Royal Wedding Bank Holiday Pay and Leave - London Underground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that TfL granted to London Underground employees a day’s leave in addition to contractual annual leave entitlement, and confirmed that arrangements for the additional public holiday were the same as for other public holidays. We further note that none of our branches have raised any complaints or issues regarding this. We therefore close this file.

Privilege Travel - TfL / London Underground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that our members have faced stealth increases in charges for family members who have privilege travel entitlements, and note our previous decision to raise this issue with management in order to secure the return of previous arrangements.

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and accept his recommendation that this issue be included in our pay and conditions claim to TfL in 2012. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this happens.

LU 'Command and Control Review'

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground has written to us announcing that it has completed a 'command and control review' which is to include ‘co-location’ of network control functions into one LU Control Centre, which we suspect may involve the forced relocation of staff. It has done this without any consultation with this union, and now has the cheek to offer only 'consultation' about the 'impact on staff' of these changes.

We note that this appears to affect staff in LU service control, Powerlink and Thales.

DLR Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the detailed report from our branch on issues on DLR, and agree to add this to the file. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain from the lead officer for DLR a report on these issues, and on how best we can support the branch in dealing with them. The report to be placed in front of the GGC when received.

Resolutions to July Regional Council meeting

1. TAXI newpaper - submitted by London Taxi Branch
That the London Taxi Branch requests the General Secretary to take all legal steps possible to stop the constant barrage of misinformation which emanates from the Licensed Taxi Drivers' Association newspaper publication TAXI which is destroying the good standing and reputation of the RMT London Taxi Branch within the London Taxi fraternity.

2. Election of Functional Reps - submitted by Central line West Branch