RMT to Consider Website Improvements and an 'App'

RMT Council of Executives decisions:

RMT Membership ‘App’

That we note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and we see the positive nature that an ‘App’ could do for our union. The General Secretary is to invite a suitable software designer to give a presentation to the Council of Executives on the benefits and the protection we would need to bring this idea forward.

RMT Website

RMT Warns That Central London Will Be “jammed Solid” With Unlicensed And Dangerous Rickshaws As We Head Towards Olympics

TAXI UNION RMT warned today that central London will be “jammed solid” with unlicensed and uninsured rickshaws as we head towards the London Olympics with the authorities refusing to lift a finger to clampdown on the unregulated trade.

RMT London Taxi Branch has a clear position of opposition to rickshaws in London and last month RMT parliamentary group convenor John McDonnell successfully objected to the TFL London Local Authorities Bill at Second Reading - specifically on the grounds that it would lead to the continued proliferation of unlicensed, unsafe rickshaws clogging up central London.

Palestine/BDS - Regional Council 28th July

The following Resolution submitted by TFL No1branch was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 28th July.

This branch fully endorses the PTUC-BDS Statement. We call on the Regional council to endorse and forward to CofE. We also call on the Regional Political Officer to arrange for a Regional Special meeting on the matter inviting a speaker from COSATU among others.

Note:PTUC-BDS Statement is attached to this story.

GLA Elections

The following Resolution submitted by Neasden Branch was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 28th July.

This branch/Region supports the growing anti-cuts movement and we realise that a successful movement will require an industrial political strategy.
We realise that all three major political parties, including Labour,are making cuts in local authorities in London.

TUC Black Workers' Conference - Regional Council 28th July

The following Resolution submitted by LU Engineering was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 28th July.

This region demands that the RMT carries out its responsibility toward its Black Activists in regards to their entailment of Delegation to the TUC's Black Workers Conference from 2012 onwards
Having just over half of our delegation entailment present at this year's conference (8 -10 April 2011), greatly influenced the outcome for our candidate to the Race Relations Committee and increased his vote since we last stood a candidate.

Council of Executives Member's Report to Regional Council, July 2011


  • London Underground – The latest offer is Y1 4.75% Y2-5 RPI+0.25%, very little on conditions; RMT rejected (see decision); other unions indicated they would reject too
  • EDF Powerlink – the latest offer is Y1 4.5%, Y2-5 RPI+0.25%; RMT rejected (see decision)
  • Tube Lines (Stratford Market, ex-Alstom) – accepted 2-year deal of Y1 5.6%; Y2 RPI+0.5% (min. 0.5%); changes to rosters to be subject to negotiations