RMT Asks Members to Reject Alstom's Below-Inflation Pay Offer

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the latest offer from Alstom Metro Trains:
• year 1: 4% increase on basic pay
• year 2: 4% increase on basic pay
• up to £400 Olympic bonus
• proposals on travel costs and appraisal interviews

We note that this offer does not meet our claim or our members’ aspirations, as it:
• is below RPI for this year
• may well be below RPI for next year
• compares badly to other pay awards in the region

RMT Demands Reinstatement of James Masango

General Grades Committee decision:

We note that the Employment Tribunal found on 17 August that London Underground dismissed Victoria line driver James Masango unfairly, that London Underground unreasonably required him to drive a train when he was not fit to do so, and that James made no contribution to his dismissal. This is a shocking case, in which LU management’s determination to force its employees to work whether or not they are fit to do so has resulted not only in an unfair dismissal but in putting the travelling public in danger.

Update: Representation of Fleet Grades

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We also note that our LU Fleet branch is dissatisfied with levels of representation and wishes the union to continue to pursue this issue.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain from LU Fleet branch a report of its outstanding concerns following its next branch meeting on 21 September.

RMT Pursues Issue of 'Command and Control Review'

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We now have a little more information on this matter than previously, and note that the physical moves of the affected functions will not now commence until after the 2012 Olympic Games.

We note that discussion will take place at Service Control Functional and Health & Safety Councils this month. We instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT Challenges Use of Agency and Security Staff on Wembley Central Stations Group

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Bakerloo branch with concern.

We do not accept the removal of station staff detrainment jobs as a result of the introduction of ‘inner car barriers’ on trains. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a detailed report from our representatives on the current position in discussions with the company about this.

Bakerloo News September 2011

Click on the attachment to download the latest Bakerloo Newsletter. Main stories follow:

Justice for Jayesh!

Following London Underground’s decision to uphold the downgrading of Bro Jayesh Patel to CSA the Bakerloo Branch has requested a ballot for strike action of all driver members on the line.
Jayesh was reduced in grade for an incident that occurred on February 12th 2011.

RMT Brings Debate On Economy, Workers’ Rights, Defending Public Transport And Social Dumping To TUC Congress

TRANSPORT UNION RMT will be taking a range of motions and amendments to the TUC Congress in London next week aimed at stepping up the union fight to defend jobs, services and workers rights.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “The TUC meets this year with the economy on the brink of a double dip recession and with the full impact of the ConDem austerity cuts only just beginning to be felt. While boardroom pay and bonuses are rocketing workers are being threatened with the biggest assault on living conditions since the end of war time rationing.”

RMT Intervened to Prevent English Defence League Travelling on 'Special' Tube Trains

The RMT intervened to halt the Metropolitan Police's plans to run special trains for English Defence League (EDL) members. The EDL had planned to march through Tower Hamlets, an area with a high Asian population and the Metropolitan Police wanted to assist the EDL to their destination by asking LUL management to run special non-stop trains for them.

This plan was swiftly halted after RMT station staff and train drivers, with the support of the union's London Transport Regional Organiser declared that they would refuse to work for the duration if they felt that there was an imminent and serious risk of danger.

The RMT's Political Officer has written an open letter to London Undergrounds Managing Director about the events which occured on the underground.

RMT to Campaign Against Violence Against Women

Council of Executives decision:

That we fully support the resolution and note our support and affiliation to End Violence Against Women campaign. We instruct the General Secretary to bring to the Equal Rights Sub-Committee a model policy for our Lead Officers to obtain nationwide.

Further, a suitable article for RMT News be drafted by EVAW concentrating on our members' experiences. Reference should be made in the article to the experiences mentioned in the AGM debate and also to the impact of the cuts on women's refuges.