Misinformation - LTDA Publication

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice received regarding the prospects of legal action over the repeated attacks on our members and our union in the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association newspaper publication TAXI.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting between our legal adviser and officers of our London Taxis branch to share information and discuss issues highlighted in the advice.

Updated legal advice to be obtained following this meeting and placed back in front of us.

Track Workers' Charter

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We endorse the Track Contractors’ Charter drafted by our LU engineering reps to form part of our Rail Renewals forum, and instruct the General Secretary to ensure that it is printed promptly and in sufficient quantities.

We note that the Council of Executives has already agreed reduced-rate subs for these workers, and that the branch has an effective campaign plan. We look forward to a successful campaign to recruit to RMT, achieve recognition, and win improvements for these workers.

Legal Advice Sought on Taxi Drivers' Relationship with TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision on TfL Taxi Engagement Policy:

We note the legal opinion on this matter, in which a key issue is whether London taxi drivers can be legally considered to have a worker/employer relationship with their licensing body, TfL.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting with our legal adviser and officers of our London Taxis branch to discuss this issue further and provide the legal adviser with the information he has requested.

RMT Calls for Better Pay for Initial Cleaners

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that Initial intends to increase the pay of cleaners on its London Underground contract in line with the London Living Wage, to £8.30 per hour, as it is contractually bound to do. The company has not yet advised us of its intended pay rise for supervisor, and has rejected every other element of our pay and conditions claim.

Sunderland Pride

RMT are organising a group to attend Sunderland's first gay pride event. Sunderland pride takes place on the 25th of September and the RMT's North East Regional Council are keen for more people to get involved.

Sunderland Pride is expected to attract 3000 people, who will march from the Civic Centre through the town from noon.

Council of Executives Report to LTRC Executive, 13 September

  • PAY
    • Alstom – referendum closes 29 September
    • LU – offer rejected; Unite referendum rejected last LU offer; meeting with the other unions this week; further discussion at GGC after Thursday’s meeting
    • Jayesh Patel, Tunde Umanah, James Masango – see decisions
    • Track contract workers’ charter – being laid out this week
    • Reduced-rate subs – Initial cleaners, Sodexho canteens

Your Rising Cost of Living

Your pay rise should at least keep pace with - and preferably exceed - the rising cost of living.

The fact is that the cost of living regularly rises beyond the rate of inflation and living standards suffer as a result. Below is an example of increases:-

Pay: It's Alright for Some

While our employers expect us to accept pay "rises" that are in some cases below inflation, and in others just fractionally above, here is what TfL, London Underground and Crossrail bosses are "earning" (Total remuneration excluding pension contributions, 2010/11) :

  • Peter Hendy, Commissioner: £332,276
  • Steve Allen, Managing Director, Finance: £268,982
  • Mike Brown, Managing Director, London Underground: £285,230
  • Howard Carter, General Counsel: £219,156
  • Leon Daniels, Managing Director, Surface Transport: £97,000