RMT to Fight Affect of Cuts on Women

Council of Executives decision:

That we note the resolution and agree to donate £100 to both the Merseyside Women Against the Cuts and London Women Against the Cuts.

An article is to be placed in RMT News and write to women on the NWAC asking if they are aware of such campaigns. In addition, the latest TUC briefing on this is to be sent and placed on our website, along with this resolution.

National Black and Minority Ethnic Committee Anti-Slavery Day Commemorative Event

The RMT's Black and Minority Ethnic committee are hosting an Anti-Slavery Day commemorative event. The event "Slavery - shame of the past and modern curse" will be held at The Brunei Theatre, SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, London, WC1H 0XG (Nearest tube: Russell Square) on Monday September 12, at 17.30.

The nearest tube to the venue is Russell Square. (Map.)

There will be several speakers from all areas of the RMT as well as the High Commissioner for Saint Lucia and members of other unions.

National Policy Circular: McNulty And The Rail Delivery Group

RMT, TSSA and ASLEF wrote to the Rail Delivery Group to ask if it was its intention to have representatives from the trade unions. The Unions were advised that this was a matter for Government. We then met the Secretary of State for Transport Philip Hammond MP who told us that union involvement was a matter for the industry.

The trade unions requested a meeting with the Rail Delivery Group and the three General Secretaries from RMT, TSSA and ASLEF met with the Chair of First Group Tim O’Toole and Chair of Network Rail David Higgins who are the Rail Delivery Group Chair and Vice Chair respectively. We put it to them that there should be an opportunity for us to put our viewpoint across and for a passengers’ representative to do the same. We were told that the Rail Delivery Group is in an embryonic stage looking at all issues and that there were a number of other bodies not represented such as the suppliers.

Charles Watkins Memorial Lecture 2011 - The Case For Independent Working Class Education

The RMT is delighted to invite you to the 2011 Charles Watkins Memorial Lecture, which commemorates the role of a key founding activist of the National Union of Railwaymen in 1913, who was a student at Ruskin College in 1909 and took part inthe Ruskin strikes of that year.The lecture is intended as a contribution towards re-establishing the tradition of independent working-class education.This year’s guest speaker is Colin Waugh, author of 'Plebs: the Lost Legacy of Independent Working Class Education.'

The event will be held at Mander Hall, NUT offices, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London. (Map.)

All RMT members are welcome to this free event.

Please see the attached leaflet for more information or if you have a modern browser click 'read more' to view the pdf online.

Discussing Class with Owen Jones, Author of 'Chavs'

Chavs bookOwen Jones, author of 'Chavs: the demonisation of the working class' will be speaking about his book following the Stratford no.1 RMT branch meeting on Thursday 8 September. All RMT members welcome. Buffet provided.

Venue: Leytonstone & District ex-Servicemens Club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone, E11 3BD. (Map.) - Five minutes from Leytonstone underground station.

Owen says, “Denying class has proved all-too-convenient in ignoring the concerns of working-class people. We don’t talk about the fact that people from unskilled backgrounds are ten times more likely to be unemployed than professional people or that five million working-class people are languishing on social housing waiting lists. Nothing makes sense without class. If we don’t talk about it, millions will remain disenfranchised, marginalised and ignored. Thatcherism closed the national debate on class: now is the time to re-open it.”

London Taxi News

The latest edition of London Taxi News, an anti-pedicab special, is now availale to download.

In this edition:

  • Bob says NO - RMT calls for unity against London’s pedicab menace
  • STOP PRESS - Cynical attempt to sneak in pedicab licensing
  • What happens if Clause 17 becomes law?
  • McDonnell scores important victory over pedicabs
  • Shame on Taxi
  • Unity, not sniping, is needed
  • Westminster City Council supports pedicab ranks

You can download the full newsletter using the link below, or click 'read more' to view the pdf if you have a modern browser.

Mass Meeting Poster-London Transport 2011 Pay & 2012 Olympics Rewards claims

London Transport Regional Council will be holding a Mass meeting for all members in our region to discuss and report on the 2011 Pay claims & 2012 Olympics Reward claim for all companies in the London Transport Region.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, 15th September,1730 at:

12 Pins Public House,near Finsbury Park station
263 Seven Sisters Road
Finsbury park

Cleaners Force John Laing To Recognise RMT On London Overground Contract

RMT CLEANERS have forced contractor John Laing Integrated Services to recognise the union on London Overground following an organising campaign that has seen the vast majority of the workforce join the union since the end of March.

A ballot carried out under Central Arbitration Committee rules after the firm refused to enter into a voluntary agreement returned a six-to-one vote to give RMT bargaining rights for the staff, who work from depots at Acton, Gospel Oak, New Cross Gate and Willesden.