RMT/TSSA Merger Talks: Statement 2

Further to our previous joint trade union message (dated Friday, 12 August, 2011) regarding merger talks between RMT and TSSA, our negotiating teams will meet over two days following the TUC Congress next week.

The aim of this meeting is to allow both negotiating teams to better understand each other's unions in terms of our respective structures, operation and culture.

We will of course continue to keep you abreast of developments as they occur.

Gerry Doherty
Bob Crow

Annual Reparation Conference

RMT Council of Executives decision:

That we note that this AGM decision has been carried out and that both the General Secretary and President addressed the Conference.

Any requests for financial support must be pre-authorised prior to any financial commitment.

Haiti: Holding International Charities Accountable

RMT Council of Executives decision:

That we note the resolution and support efforts to ensure donations reach the people they are intended for. We continue to fully support TUC Aid and ITF appeals. We encourage members to donate through these organisations.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to write to Haiti Now - Haiti First seeking more information on their campaign to hold internal charities to account.

RMT to Celebrate LGBT History

RMT Council of Executives decision on how to implement decision no.2 here:

That the General Secretary is instructed to implement the decision by initially liaising on this at the next LGBT Advisory Committee.

Further the General Secretary is instructed to write to Brendan Barber inviting the TUC's policy officer for LGBT rights, Peter Purton, to attend the next LGBT Advisory Committee meeting.

We note that the LGBT History Month is in February each year.

RMT to Investigate Unfair Treatment on London Overground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from our Willesden Rail Branch and are concerned at the issues raised including the unfair treatment or our Conductor members in comparison to Drivers in another organization and the reported harassment and monitoring of our members in regard to Uniform Standards.

The General Secretary is instructed to request a meeting with the company in order to discuss the issues raised in the correspondence and to obtain a report for the GGC from the Lead Officer on this matter.

Transferred Staff Get 6-7.5% Pay Rise

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the agreement from Transport for London that staff recently transferred from London Underground will receive the same pay award as other TfL employees, receiving a rise of between 6% and 7.5%. We endorse our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that we accept this.

This offer underlines the inadequacy of other pay offers in companies either owned or contracted/franchised by TfL, such as London Underground and Alstom Metro Trains.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to: