RMT Register Disagreement With London Underground Over 'Olympic Recognition And Reward'

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise you that despite London Underground announcing yesterday that a deal has been reached for Train Drivers during the Olympic Games period, RMT has not agreed to this deal; and as such your RMT Representatives’ registered a failure to agree at the Trains Functional Council meeting. I can confirm that RMT reject this deal.

Trains Functional Council Minutes For Olympic Working Meeting

Here are the minutes of the Olympic working 'Trains Functional Council' meeting. The RMT representative voted against the proposals, however the proposals were voted through by other staff side representatives, all members of ASLEF.

The proposals include:

  • Nine hour turns, plus meal break on a weekend - so possibly working 19 hours Saturday and Sunday.
  • Shifts running until 0300 hrs
  • Bakerloo line agreement on number of 'tunnel trips' will be postponed

Click 'read more' to read the minutes, or download them below.

Your Rights Should Transfer With You

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. As staff transfer from the employment of London Underground Ltd to TfL, management are refusing to accept that policies and procedures transfer with them under TUPE. This will lead to a weakening of our members’ rights, exactly the situation that the TUPE regulations purport to prevent.

Finsbury Park 'Community Wardens'

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that London Underground has given an assurance that the ‘community wardens’ are not used in Finsbury Park station, and that our local representatives confirm this.

We remain vigilant over this or similar developments, and ask branches and representatives to inform us if they become aware of any attempt to use non-LUL people to carry out or infringe upon LUL staff’s work.
London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Upfront September '11 Edition

In this edition

ASLEF/LU Olympics “deal” turns out to be a marathon for drivers.

To the shock of every driver on the combine the ASLEF/Management alliance has cooked up behind closed doors a so called ‘Olympics deal’. At the heart of this deal is the ripping up of our hard earned driving parameters that form our Train’s Framework Agreement. In essence, ASLEF/Management want to run a 21st Century railway with 19th Century terms and conditions.

Download the attached pdf to read the latest edition, or if you have a modern browser you can see it by clicking 'read more.'

RMT Learning Language Courses

RMT Learning have organised several language courses. They are available to anybody who wishes to attend. The cost will decrease if more people attend a course.

The attached document has the full list of available courses, or click 'read more' to see all the courses available.