Alstom Workers Reject Below-Inflation Pay Offer

That we note the referendum result is as follows:-

Total votes cast 49
Number voting “Yes” 17
Number voting “No” 32
Spoilt Papers 0

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to inform the employer of our rejection of its below-inflation offer, to seek further talks, and to obtain a report from our Regional Organiser.

This matter to be placed back in front of us once the report is received and in the event of any developments.

London Transport Regional Council and relevant branches to be advised.

Justice for James!

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal opinion received in this case. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to immediately raise a formal complaint with the Office of the Rail Regulator that London Underground endangered the safety of both its employees and the public, in breach of the Health and Safety Act 1974.

We further instruct the General Secretary to advise Brother Masango as to his rights to pursue a personal injury claim, as outlined in the legal advice.

Pay Update

Update: London Underground has revised its offer to four years: 5% this year, RPI+0.5% (minimum 2%) for years 2, 3 and 4.

RMT workplace representatives will be discussing this at a meeting on Tuesday 4 October.You work hard, your employer makes money from your efforts, and you have bills to pay. So your union organises members to win better pay and working conditions. RMT aims to achieve:

  • above-inflation pay rises - anything else is a pay cut in real terms, as your outgoings increase faster than your income;