Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group Seeks A Part-time Trade Union Worker

seeks a Part-time Trade Union Worker (10 hours a week)

Purpose of the post: To develop and sustain links between Nicaraguan and UK trade unions. The main focus will be communications, promoting and preparing a delegation of UK trade unionists who will visit Nicaragua in April 2012, and fundraising to support the work of NSCAG and projects identified by Nicaraguan trade unions.

Location: Based in the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign offices, 86 Durham Rd, Finsbury Park, N7 7DT, London

Action Against Tory Attacks

The following resolution submitted by LU Fleet Branch was carried unanimously the October 27th Regional Council meeting.

This Region notes:
1. The Tory-led Government is introducing attacks on the the public sector and working-class living standards that threaten to take Britain back to Victorian levels of inequality and the biggest assault on the working-class since Margaret Thatcher.

No to hate crime campaign

The following resolution submitted by TFL No1 Branch was carried unanimously at the October 27th meeting of the Regional Council.

No to hate crime campaign are a non-profit making organisation that have been running vigils in Trafalgar square in October for the last two years. They are currently going through the process to achieve charitable trust status.

This region notes the importance of a collective stand against all forms of hate crime and the hard work done by to date.

This region resolves publicise the and the affiliation form.

Resolution:Election of Functional Reps - submitted by Stratford No 1 Branch

The following resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 Branch fell 9 votes to 4 at the October 27th Regional Council meeting.

This Region reaffirms its support for the policy of functional and tier two reps returning to the workplace after a three year term in office.
This Region also supports the ability of functional reps to stand down from the level 1 position if they so choose.
However this Region believes that it is unfair that candidates for functional council have to be local reps in order to be eligible.

Eric Eustace Williams : Trade Unionist & first PM of Trinidad & Tobago

The following resolution submitted by Stratford No1was carried at the October 27th Regional Council

Eric Eustace Williams : Trade Unionist & first PM of Trinidad & Tobago
This year sees the centenary of the Birth of Eric Eustace Williams (25 September 1911 – 29 March 1981.

A series of commemorations of Dr Willaims life & his work for the people of Trinidad and Tobago will be held in Cambridge University.

Stratford N01 Branch would be grateful if the LTRC would support a donation to the Eric Eustace Williams fund.

Linking James Masango and Jayesh Patel campaigns

The following resolution submitted by Finsbury Park was carried at the Regional council meeting on September 29th.

Following the acceptance of the Council of Executives and adoption of the motion from Finsbury Park Branch that an information campaign and potential balloting of all members of the region be undertook regarding the reinstatement of James Masango this region calls on head office to link this campaign to the dismissal of Jayesh Patel of Bakerloo Branch and that their reinstatement as drivers on LUL be the only acceptable conclusion to this issue.

RMT/TSSA Merger Talks: Update

Statement 5: “TSSA and RMT met again as planned on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 for further friendly and constructive talks concerning the democratic structures of our respective unions. Our talks focussed on the workings of Annual Conferences, Executive Committees, Regional/Divisional and Branch structures.